德國著名IGL gob b已經退出了BIG的陣容名單,結束了他的職業生涯並宣佈繼續留下BIG隊內擔任管理職務。
自從德國戰隊BIG於2017年初成立以來,gob b已經BIG的一部分,從北美戰隊NRG eSports回到建立一支將組建一支可以重振德國CSGO的戰隊。在gob b效力BIG期間,BIG曾經高踞世界排名第6,並且在兩次Major賽事之中打入淘汰賽階段(PGL Major Kraków 2017和FACEIT Major London 2018)以及他的家鄉德國舉行的ESL One Cologne 2018取得亞軍成績。

Photo courtesy of HLTV
gob b 在他CS生涯的大部份時間都是效力mousesports及BIG,他曾三進三出mousesports (2011年mousesports CS1.6陣容、2013年mousesports及2015年mousesports的CSGO陣容),他在CS 1.6時代效力mousesports陣容,並為mousesports贏得了4個IEM冠軍及為mouesesports CSGO陣容贏下許多全國冠軍,現在gob b將會專注投入BIG戰隊隊內的管理職務。
在2019年間,BIG一直在努力解決陣容問題,而且狀態不佳,他們在IEM Katowice Major 2019以0勝3負的成績被淘汰出局。
由於BIG於歐洲Minor被North淘汰之後,他們將錯過他們戰隊所在柏林舉行的Major賽事,而gob b決定結束他的職業生涯。然而,這名經驗豐富的選手將會繼續成為BIG的一部分,並轉變為管理角色。
gob b 於生涯中最輝煌的十場比賽成績:

在他的聲明中,gob b強調“這不是結束”,但在繼承他在BIG的新角色之前,他需要分配一段時間給予家人和朋友” :
“As many of you have already guessed, I will end my career as a player. First of all I want to thank all the fans and my team. Without you I would have never played this long. You were my motivation and inspiration.
“I got a lot of messages that I shouldn’t stop playing. This is not the end and I will of course continue to be with BIG. I just felt it was time for me to take on a new role. The team and the management want to support me in every way and I appreciate that very much. Maybe some of you are sad but I can assure you and underline it again it is not an end. It is a new chapter and I hope for the support you have given me throughout my career.(我收到了很多有關呼籲我不應該退役的信息,但這不是結束我當然會繼續和BIG在一起。我覺得現在是時候讓我擔任新角色了。團隊和管理層希望以各種方式支持我,我非常感激。也許你們有些人很傷心,但我可以向你保證並再次強調它不是結束。這是一個新篇章,我希望得到你們給予的支持我的整個職業生涯。)
“I hope you understand that I want to have some time for my family and friends, before I take on my new role in BIG, which all these years came definitely too short. Of course, I will always stand behind the team and hope for your support. We had a disappointing six months, but right now, we need you more than ever. We will do everything we can to improve ourselves, but we need you, to do it #gemeinsam. I hope you can understand and comprehend my decision. I just need a little break to prepare myself for the upcoming tasks. I have some plans you can look forward to. I hope you understand my decision and I am sure, together we will once again have great and beautiful moments.”(我希望你能理解我希望分配一些時間來陪伴我的家人和朋友,然後再擔任我在BIG的新職位,這些年來肯定都太短了。當然,我將永遠支持團隊並希望你繼續支持。我們有六個月令人失望了,但是現在,我們比以往任何時候都更需要你。我們將盡我們所能來改善自己,但我們需要你,做到這一點#gemeinsam。我希望你能理解和理解我的難處,我只需要一點休息就可以為即將到來的任務做好準備。我有一些你可以期待的計劃。我希望你理解我的決定,我相信,我們將再次共同擁有偉大而美好的時刻。)
“In love, your gobelante” – gob b
隨著gob b退役,現時BIG陣容名單只有四名選手。在公告中BIG透露,他們決定重組CS:GO戰隊,並將在今天下午晚些宣布進一步的陣容變更。
Johannes “tabseN” Wodarz
Tizian “tiziaN” Feldbusch
Denis “denis” Howell
Ismailcan “XANTARES” Dörtkardeş
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