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valens與Cloud9 分道揚鑣

valens與Cloud9 分道揚鑣


valens在2017年2月開始擔任Cloud9的教練,雖然今年年中有一段時間離開了這個職位並轉為分析師位置,但是這名30歲教練為Cloud9帶來了北美隊伍首個Major冠軍( ELEAGUE Major)。

Photo courtesy of HLTV

valens的離開造就了JamezIRL成為C9新教練,C9全新陣容在BLAST Pro Series Los Angeles 2019上首次亮相並拿得第四名之外,Cloud9剛剛於ESL Pro League S10 北美賽區小組賽包尾出局,看來 JamezIRL新上任就需要解決這些問題 。


“Coaching was actually supposed to be a temporary position for me but it turned into something greater. We won the Major, we had roster issues, we lost out at the minor qualifiers, and we started again from scratch.”


“I plan to keep pushing the envelope when it comes to esports analytics and hope to be a part of the innumerable number of folks dedicated to turning this industry into a sustainable, ethical, and exciting one. Thank you, Cloud9 fans and family, for all the love you’ve shown me. We’ve made history and I fully expect all of our teams will continue to do so.” – valens

(我計劃在電子競技分析領域繼續保持領先地位,並希望成為無數致力於將這一行業變成可持續、道德及令人興奮的行業一部分。 感謝Cloud9的粉絲和我的家人,感謝您對我的所有愛。 我們已經創造了歷史,我完全希望我們戰隊能夠在歷史延續下去。)


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