在Astralis的Tweet中,Astralis CEO Nikolaj Nyholm解釋說,自從device於2017年底因傷缺陣幾個星期之後,組建六人名單一直是他們的目標,當時這個情況亦令到他們需要找尋臨時隊員出戰當時BLAST Pro Series哥本哈根站及ESL Pro League S6總決賽。
“Our work with Astralis and all our teams is focused around performance and health. It’s our responsibility as an organization to secure optimal conditions for our employees on all levels, and especially our players, who on a constant basis experience the highest pressure to perform. Increasing the roster size to six players is something we have worked on for a long time with relevant stakeholders in Counter-Strike,” Astralis’ Director of Sports, Kasper Hvidt, said in a statement.
( 我們的目標在Astralis及我們旗下所有隊伍都是圍繞成效及選手的健康為首要。作為一個負責任的機構,我們有責任為各級員工,尤其是不斷受到最大壓力的選手,確保他們有著最佳狀態。所以我們決定把CSGO分部陣容增為6名成員” Astralis體育總監Kasper Hvidt在一份聲明提到。)
“This approach is no different than in traditional sports, but it’s new to Counter-Strike, and a change like this will take time to optimize for full advantage. The players, coach and our performance team have been involved in this decision and everybody agrees it is the way to go.”(這種擴建陣容的做法與傳統運動沒什麼不同,只是CSGO中十分罕見,這樣的改變需要時間來進行完善及利用所帶來的優勢。選手、教練及後勤團隊都參與了這一決定,每個人都同意這是要走的路。)
es3tag將會於他目前的合約到期後加入Astralis,有指亦會影響Funplus Phoenix收購Heroic的事宜,事關FPX希望是把整個Heroic陣容買下並非簽入四名選手。
Astralis CEO Nikolaj Nyholm亦對早前Heroic CEO將採取法律行動進行反擊,他於Twitter上公佈有關羅致es3tag的細節,稱沒有任何行為損害到Heroic與Funplus Phoenix進行收購計劃。
Astralis於7月1日後 陣容如下:
Nicolai "device" Reedtz
Andreas "Xyp9x" Højsleth
Peter "dupreeh" Rasmussen
Lukas "gla1ve" Rossander
Emil "Magisk" Reif
Patrick "es3tag" Hansen
Danny "zonic" Sørensen (教練)
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