Copenhagen Games主辦方日前透過Twitter宣佈因武漢肺炎(COVID-19)疫情影響他們決定取消Copenhagen Games 2020賽事以防止病毒散佈。
自從3月14日丹麥政府決定向外國遊客封關後,Copenhagen Games 2020能否如期舉行被受質疑,事關Copenhagen Games這個賽事一向為歐洲大型LAN賽事並吸引多個歐洲國家選手來到丹麥出戰,同時眾多已購票的人士向主辦方要求退款。
距離賽事於4月8日開始還有兩個星期多的時間,主辦方現已正式宣布取消活動,這是自2010年舉辦以來,首次取消Copenhagen Games。主辦方亦提到,參加的人士可以透過他們網站進行退款程序。
丹麥政府最近因為武漢肺炎疫情於歐美地區大規模傳播後頒布禁止10人以上的集會。即使原定的禁令只持續到3月30日,但最近他們延長了禁令直至4月13日,令到Copenhagen Games只能取消。
“This is the first time Copenhagen Games has been cancelled since our start in 2010 and partners, players, crew, and everyone that has been preparing for the event are hurt by the necessity of this — not only financially, but emotionally,” said Copenhagen Games CEO Zahid Butt in a statement on the organizer’s website.
( “這是自2010年以來我們首次取消Copenhagen Games,這個決定令到我們的合作夥伴、選手、工作人員以及所有為比賽做準備的人都受到了傷害-不僅是在財務上,而且在感情上,” Copenhagen Games CEO Zahid Butt在網站上的聲明中說到。 )
“I am very grateful for all your support in terms of being part of the event — without all of you, Copenhagen Games would not exist at all. I am sorry that we cannot go through with the event and sorry for any inconvenience that this is creating for you.( 我非常感謝您在此次活動中所提供的所有支持,沒有你們,Copenhagen Games 根本就不會存在。很抱歉,我們無法舉辦這次活動,對於這個決定所帶來的不便,我們深表歉意。)
“But of course, this is a necessary step in the fight against COVID-19. Health comes first, even if we have to say goodbye to doing things we love. As an event organizer; we have a responsibility for the wellbeing of everyone at our event — be it guests, players, crew or partners. We fully support the decision by the Danish government to help flatten the curve and get us to the other side of this pandemic.”(但是當然,這是對抗疫情(COVID-19)的必要步驟。即使我們不能夠攸自己喜歡做的事情,但是公眾健康還是第一位。作為比賽主率方,我們對每個人的福祉都負有責任-無論是遊客、選手、工作人員還是合作夥伴。我們完全支持丹麥政府的決定,以幫助對抗疫情。)
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