隨著IESF 2022 LAN預選賽即將到來,而TomorrowLAN團隊就找來了德國代表BIG Academy的s1n來接受訪問,了解這個最近為BIG Stand-in參加Major的選手。
今年德國首次派出CSGO項目參加IESF賽事,而代表隊於歐洲預選賽未能出線後,於今次總決賽8賽事派出了BIG Academy陣容參賽。其中陣容更加包括剛剛為BIG參加IEM Rio Major的s1n及Krimbo。

TomorrowLAN: It shoule be your first time to be indonesia Bali here, can you share your feelings right now?
(TomorrowLAN: 這次應該是你首次來到印尼峇里? 可以分享一下感覺嗎?)
s1n: yea, so it’s first time because we travel it was 6 hours flight, and then another 9 hours flight to be here. Bali is a really great place but so far away for us, so we very happy to be here.
(s1n: 沒錯,我們經過了兩次飛行旅程來到這裡,一次是6個小時,之後是9個小時的航班。峇里是一個對我們很遙遠的地方,但是這裡真的很好,我們也開心可以來到這個地方。)
TomorrowLAN: Let’s talk about the recent results of the team, you finished with second place in Fragadelphia 17, and in Bali are you looking for your first international LAN event championship here?
(TomorrowLAN: 讓我們談談隊伍成績吧,你們於Fragadelphia 17取得亞軍,而今次來到峇里是為了贏下首個國際賽事冠軍嗎?)
s1n: yes, so I was playing for academy team on the Fragadelphia 17. But obviously it is a little bit different here because everyone come for world championship and want to get world champion title it is really motivative and definitely it wouldn’t easy.
(s1n:是,我當時為青訓隊參加Fragadelphia 17。但是今次很明顯看到大家都是衝著世界冠軍的銜頭來參加比賽,世界冠軍對大家來說都十分具鼓動性,但一定並不容易贏下。)
But I’m happy to get the chance to play a Major in Rio, so I really happy what happen in this last month and I growth a lot of as a player but the new year is open for me.
TomorrowLAN: What about your situation ? Will you continue to stay in the main team?
(TomorrowLAN: 你可以說說你目前的情況嗎? 你會繼續留在BIG主隊?)
s1n: I’m not really sure at the moment. I just know that the Germany Championship (eSport-Bund Deutschland e.V.) find us to play with academy team also with Krimbo. After this, I’m not sure yet. But I’m happy to get the chance to play a Major in Rio, so I really happy what happen in this last month and I growth a lot of as a player but the new year is open for me. I’m not sure yet.
(s1n: 我暫時尚未知道,我只知道今次德國電競總會找我們與BIG Academy以及Krimbo來參加IESF比賽。我也很高興可以有機會跟隨BIG參加巴西Major,所以我真的很開心可以在上個月所發生的事,以及作為一個電競選手在這個旅程成長了很好,而新賽季亦很快來到,我相信將會有更多機會。)
TomorrowLAN: You have a euro team group with Czech, Belgium, and Montenegro, who do you see as your biggest challenges in this tournament?
(TomorrowLAN: 你現在有個歐洲小組,捷克、比利時以及黑山,哪支隊伍將會是你們今次比賽的最大對手?)
s1n: The Czech team for example I know leckr, I know his team and he was playing on Germany Championship (ESL Meisterschaft: Spring 2020) one time as well. I know he is a good play but I still think we can beat them. Especially, to the Belgium team their player have a good level on the Europe but coming for this event I don’t fear any opponent because I think we can beat them. I think we can beat everyone on the group stage. But maybe for another group, there is a guy from Macedonia because they are pro team, also it pracite good and got a high rank so I will think they are the biggest challenges.
(s1n: 我知道捷克隊的leckr,之前他效力的隊伍曾參加一屆了ESL德國聯賽,我知道他是一個很強的選手,但我們會擊敗他們。而比利時的選手都是在歐洲有著一個高水平,但是在賽事中我不會害怕任何對手,我認為隊伍可以擊敗任何對手以及在小組賽出線。但是其他小組我覺得馬其頓的BLUEJAYS將會是最大挑戰,他們是一支職業隊伍有著很好的練習方式以及取下了很好成績。)
But is a no point, in my opinion because you cannot win one game. So we learn a lot especially from the demo, I think if we are same situation in next time, we definitely win.
s1n talking about the Rio Major
TomorrowLAN: For IESF, it is an international event and competing in the national team form. A lot of teams pick a mixed line-up to participate in the tournament. It would be an advantage for BIG Academy?
(TomorrowLAN: 對於IESF這個是一個而國家為單位參賽的賽事,有很多隊伍都選擇了臨時陣容參賽,對於BIG Academy你們會有優勢嗎?)
s1n: Yeah of course, even though we are academy team that we are not full of five. There are a lot of shift between academy and main team in BIG here. So, we are not like a full group of five but we everyone knows each other and that is an advantage that we have. Like we have 1 year practice together and learn a lot of things and it definitely I think it would be advantage coming in tournament rather than for example Netherland team just pick their best player from Netherland. That can also be good because you play smooth and not that structure. But at the long term, I think we should have advantages.
(s1n: 當然,即使我們不是完全的青訓隊陣容,但是在BIG裹面一直不斷有主隊以及青訓隊的陣容調動。所以即使我們不是原來的隊友,但是我們也互相認識並練習了1年時間,我相信這點會是優勢。而舉個例子,好像荷蘭隊他們選擇了國家表現最好的選手組成一隊,當然他們可能打得很順,但是在長期發展來說還是一個固定體系的隊伍有著優勢。)
TomorrowLAN: Go back to the major, you finished major at 11th place and eliminated by NAVI, do you think any improvement?
(TomorrowLAN: 就讓我們回到Major吧,你們以9至11名完成賽事有很多隊伍都選擇了臨時陣容參賽,對於BIG Academy你們會有優勢嗎?)
s1n: The Major was really close, because we went 2-0 and then just have to win one game for arena on the playoffs but yeah we don’t make it. But is a no point, in my opinion because you cannot win one game. So we learn a lot especially from the demo, I think if we are same situation in next time, we definitely win.
(s1n: Major真的十分接近,我們開局2-0並只需要贏多一場比賽就可以去到淘汰賽。但是我們並無法贏多一場比賽,在落敗的過程我們透過Demo學習了很多,我覺得下次來到同樣情況,我們一定會贏。)
TomorrowLAN: We see krimbo and you on the line up, what can you bring to the team?
(TomorrowLAN: 我們可以你和krimbo都在陣容名單之上,你們有什麼可以帶給隊伍?)
s1n: Obviously, playing the big tournament and Major, also before the major in Malta (EU RMR) bring a lot of experience to me at a few months. Especially, Krimbo is there because he play a lot of events with us, so we have a lot of experenice for us. I think its can help to player who lack of international stage. so I think that should be huge experience, and also I think academy team Krimbo and me play together again. Last time, Krimbo was a leader and he left and promoted to the main team, then I was taking over the IGL. I think he coming back now, he will be leading for the team on this tournament. That is a huge bonus for the team.
(s1n: 很明顯,我在最近幾個月參加了RMR以及Major賽事,這些大型賽事為我帶來了很多經驗。特別是Krimbo,他打了很多大賽,所以我們也可以幫助一些缺乏大賽經驗的選手儘快適應。今次賽事亦是一次很寶貴的經驗,特別時Krimbo之前是青訓隊指揮,今次他回來與青訓隊一同作戰,可以將很多大賽經驗帶到隊伍之中,這個是對隊伍重要的加成。)
TomorrowLAN: My last question, what are the aims have you set for this tournament?
(TomorrowLAN: 最後一條問題,你們對今次比賽有什麼目標?)
s1n: In this tournament everything can happen, defineity we want to go really far. In my opinion, we have skill to win the tournament but we have to play game by game. I’m not setting the expectation, we have to win the every game. I want to go really far, I think other guys want to. We have the skill to do that should.
(s1n: 在這個比賽中什麼也可能發生,我們確實是想走到很遠。我認為我們有能力贏下比賽,但是我們需要專注了每場比賽上,我不會設下任何期望,只要我們贏下每場比賽,那我們就能在比賽走到很遠,我們有能力做到的。)
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