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(IESF 2022) 西班牙EasTor: 目標是至少打入IESF八強

(IESF 2022) 西班牙EasTor: 目標是至少打入IESF八強

隨著IESF 2022 LAN預選賽正在進行當中,而TomorrowLAN團隊就找來了西班牙代表EasTor來接受訪問。

TomorrowLAN: It shoule be your first time to be IESF LAN final here, can you share your feelings right now?

(TomorrowLAN: 今次應該是你首次你來到IESF總決賽階段,可以分享下你的感覺嗎?)

EasTor: My experience so on IESF in Romania is better than Bali like the power outage right now. But the team is very supportive from the staff of IESF.

(EasTor: 我的羅馬尼亞時的體驗比峇里的好,在峇里我們已經經歷會場停電,但是IESF的工作人員都十分幫助我們。)

TomorrowLAN: Your team yesterday win a clear 16-0 to Bangladesh, are the things going well?

(TomorrowLAN: 西班牙昨日面對孟加拉時贏下了一場16:0,隊伍狀況十分良好?)

EasTor: Yeah, I think the team play our star game, such as the team is playing very confident against Bangladesh. I think they have not much experience and then we play on our style to win.

(EasTor: 是的,隊伍正以最理想的打法進行比賽,隊伍成員都十分有信心面對孟加拉。我認為他們沒有太多國際賽經驗,所以我們按自己打法去打就贏了。)

TomorrowLAN: Today you will play against Mongolia and South Africa. Do you expect to win all matches on group stages?

(TomorrowLAN: 你們可以將會面對蒙古以及南非,你預期會贏下所有小組賽賽事以首名晉級嗎?)

EasTor: We against Mongolia it will be hard match because they are more experience as a team and they go the Rio Major. Also they doing a good work there. For us is a little bit of hard because we are not the team, we are mix.For us, it is easy match to against South Africa.

(EasTor: 我們面對蒙古將會是最難打的比賽,因為他們比我們更加有經驗,他們最近才參加了IEM Rio Major以及在Major打得很好。而我們只是一支Mix team,所以這場比賽將會十分困難。至於面對南非應該會是一場輕鬆的賽事。)

TomorrowLAN: My last question, what are the aims have you set for this tournament?

(TomorrowLAN: 最後一條問題,對於今次比賽有什麼目標?)

EasTor: Maybe we can do our best because we are mix team. Obviously we want to win all the matches but I think we will go at least quarter final maybe on this point.

(EasTor: 我們會盡全力,因為我們是一支Mix team,可顯我們想贏下每場比賽,至於目標應該是至少打入八強吧。)

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