隨著IEM Chengu 2024進行當中,TomorrowLAN團隊找來了北美戰隊Liquid陣容巴西選手skullz來接受訪問,期間談及隊伍近況以及個人於隊內的適應等等。
TomorrowLAN: Hello skullz, Can you please introduce yourself to our audience?
skullz: Hello! My name is Felipe Medeiros I am 21 years old. I’ve been playing this game for over 4 years now.
(TomorrowLAN: Hello skullz, 你可以跟我們讀者自我介紹一下嗎?)
(skullz: Hello! 我的名字叫Felipe Medeiros,今年21歲,我已經玩CS玩了4年了。)
TomorrowLAN: What a close series versus FaZe, what about the game?
skullz: It was an amazing game and an amazing experience, that was my first big stage, and playing here in Chengdu was amazing. I’ve been receiving some amazing love, even at the hotel. And coming here and playing in front of the crowd was insane. I have no words to describe. Yeah.
(TomorrowLAN: 昨天面對FaZe打了一個好緊湊的比賽,這場比賽你有什麼看法?)
(skullz: 這場是一些令人震驚的比賽,體驗上也是很好的,加上這場比賽是我第一次在大舞台上比賽,能夠在成都上作賽也是十分良好。在成都的時候我收到了很多支持者的愛戴,即使在酒店的時候也有,還有這裡的觀眾真的十分瘋狂,我無法以言語來形容。)
TomorrowLAN: Liquid has been a little shaky in recent tournaments. Do you think how far is the performance of the team from the best forms?
skullz: I think we are still getting used to each other because we have a lot of very high levels of players and very different, like, thinking at the same time. And we are still getting on the same page. And, I mean, I think our performance here was petty good, but it doesn’t represent the full potential that we show.
(TomorrowLAN: Liquid最近的成績並不穩定,你覺得現在隊伍與最佳狀態還差多遠呢?)
(skullz: 我認為我們仍在互相適應,因為我們有很多非常高水準的選手,同時每人思考的方式也非常不同,但我們仍然達成共識。 還有我認為我們在這裡 (IEM Chengdu) 的表現還不錯,但這並不是我們隊伍的全部。)
TomorrowLAN: Liquid has a lot of star players, such as YEKINDAR, cadiaN, and Twistzz. Playing with these big names will make you stressed?
skullz: I don’t think so, the only thing that I am trying to adapt now is finding my position because when in my previous team, I had more freedom, and I had more space to play my game. And now I have to share this.
(TomorrowLAN: Liquid陣中有很多星級選手,例如有YEKINDAR、cadiaN和Twistzz。與這些星級選手一同作戰會令你感到緊張嗎?)
(skullz: 我不這麼認為,我現在唯一想要適應的就是找到自己的位置,因為在我以前的隊伍時,我有更多的自由,更多話語權,我有更多的空間來發揮我的比賽。 但現在我必須要與其他隊員分享這些資源。)

Photo courtesy of HLTV
TomorrowLAN: That is your first big event playoffs appearance with Liquid, and you advance to the quarter-final, Are you satisfied with this performance?
skullz: Yes, of course. At first, we were not supposed to be here because we lost the spot in the NA qualifier. But overall, I’m very happy with our performance. We came here with the expectation to give all at the same, all matches. So, yeah I’m pretty happy.
(skullz: 是的,當然啦。 一開始,我們並不預計來到這裡,因為我們在北美預選賽上輸掉比賽席位。 總括而言,我對隊伍的表現非常滿意,我們來到這裡比賽並期望能夠在所有比賽中付出同樣的努力。 所以,我真的很高興。)
TomorrowLAN: skullz you have experience playing for the Brazilian team and now playing for an international line-up for Liquid, what is the difference between playing for a Brazilian team and an international line-up?
skullz: It is very different. First, because we have another caliber of players here, such as, Russel (Twistzz), Keith (NAF), Casper (cadiaN), Mareks (YEKINDAR). It is just another level. Also, the organization is completely different. And yes, it’s very different and I’m happy to be here and just keep evolving every tournament.
(TomorrowLAN: skullz你曾經在巴西隊伍效力,而現在於Liquid的國際陣容上,巴西陣容以及國際陣容上有什麼分別?)
(skullz: 這是非常不同的。首先,因為我們這裡有另一水平的選手,像是 Russel (Twistzz)、Keith (NAF)、Casper (cadiaN)、Mareks (YEKINDAR),這些是另一個層次的選手。 而且,戰隊組織上也是完全不同,所以體驗上非常不同的,我很高興來到Liquid這裡,並在每場比賽中不斷進步。)

Photo courtesy of HLTV
TomorrowLAN: Is this your first time coming to China, What about Chengdu is everything ok for you?
skullz: That is my first to be here and in this city. I have enjoyed the most so far in my traveling experiences. And of course, playing in front of a crowd helps a lot because the support that they have and they gave us and the love is just amazing.
(TomorrowLAN: 這是skullz第一次來到中國嗎? 成都這座城市怎麼樣?)
(skullz: 這是我第一次來到這裡和這座城市。 到目前為止,這次旅程是我在旅行經驗中最享受。 其中能夠在觀眾面前比賽對我有很大幫助,因為他們給予我們的支持和愛真是令人驚嘆。)
TomorrowLAN: Is there anything you want to say to your Chinese fans?
skullz: Just want to thank all the support that people are giving us giving me also. It is just beginning, we are practicing and trying to become better forms every day. Thank you so much.
(TomorrowLAN: 你有什麼想跟支持你的粉絲說嗎?)
(skullz: 我想感謝人們給予隊伍的支持以及我個人的支持。 這次只是一個開始,我們每天都在練習並努力變得更好。 感謝各位!)
Cover courtesy of HLTV
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