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於上圖可見,AGO於WESG 2018取得亞軍後成績一落千丈,多個賽事未能晉級即使於Minor預選賽之中也是未能突圍而出。

Photo owned by TomorrowLAN
“The organization enters the next stage of its development, which is the start of the process of selecting players for the CS:GO team. The process will be based on the experience gained and conclusions drawn from two years of observation. The selection of non-associated players and players from other teams will be aimed at selecting people who will determine the new strength of our organization. We do not want to identify players who have only high skills in the game, but to choose the optimal choice, which is a kind of a mixture of game competence, personality and determination in achieving goals” – Jakub Szumielewicz, CEO
(戰隊進入其發展的下一階段,這是為CSGO戰隊選擇新成員過程的開始。 該過程將基於從兩年觀察中獲得的經驗和得出的結論。我們將會從其他戰隊中選出一些適合的選手。 我們不會想簽入只有個人技術的選手,而同時兼備遊戲能力,個性和實現目標的決心的選手。) Jakub Szumielewicz, CEO
“For nine months we have been collecting information that has allowed us to determine what we expect from players and what we want to stand for in the future in terms of what we mean by development and leadership. We know that in today’s line-up the path we have taken is not possible to follow, so we decide to change our roster” – Sebastian Krzepota, Sports Director of AGO Esports
(在近九個月來,我們一直在收集信息,這些信息使我們能夠根據發展和領導才能來確定我們對選手的期望以及我們希望未來的發展方向。 我們知道,在現在的陣容中我們採取的方法是不可行的,所以我們決定改變我們的陣容。) AGO體育總監Sebastian Krzepota
Damian "Furlan" Kislowski
Dominik "GruBy" Swiderski
Mikołaj "miNirox" Michałków (教練)
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