GamerLegion於今年3月簽入了以瑞典藉選手佔多數的mix team Uruguay3,而這位比利時藉IGL為該隊的創始成員之一。
過往的五個月時間之中,Ex6TenZ帶領這支歐洲戰隊分別獲得了United Masters League S1季軍,LOOT.BET S2冠軍,最近他們在Moche XL Esports中爆冷擊敗巴西戰隊FUIA。

Photo courtesy of HLTV
Ex6TenZ與隊伍最後一場比賽是在GG.BET芝加哥邀請賽的A組賽事對上OpTic的Decider Match中,而當時GamerLegion落敗OpTic小組賽出局。
GamerLegion的經理Joel “Bonafide” Ericsson就給予Ex6TenZ被放入替補名單的解釋是因為隊伍有一些內部問題:
“The team has seen some internal struggles lately, which culminated in a decision to place Ex6TenZ on the bench. We want to thank Kevin for all his hard work and dedication over the past months, which laid the foundation for the future.”
“It’s always a hard decision to remove a player from your lineup. But sometimes it’s necessary for the betterment of the team. I wish Ex6TenZ the very best in the future. He’s a great leader and an amazing teammate.”
(於陣容之中移出任何一名選手都是一個艱難的決定,但有時候這些改動對改進團隊是必要的。 我希望Ex6TenZ未來一帆風順,他是一位偉大的領袖,亦是一位出色的隊友。)
Adil "ScreaM" Benrlitom
Kevin "HS" Tarn
Hampus "hampus" Poser
Tim "nawwk" Jonasson
Christian "chrille" Lindberg (教練)
Kévin "Ex6TenZ" Droolans (替補名單)
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