
Photo courtesy of HLTV
“We will now be working doubly hard to realign and regain our rightful spot at the pinnacle of professional gameplay,” fnatic added
(我們現在將會付出雙倍的努力令到我們重返高峰 。 )
“We will move into a new phase, and will look at all aspects of our Counter-Strike team.”(我們將進入一個新階段,並將關注我們的CSGO戰隊的詳情。)
這次被放入後備名單的Xizt及twist都是第二次加入fnatic,他們於目前的fnatic陣容一起後,於在2018年10月, fnatic世界排名慢慢上升,並在IEM Chicago 2019打入四強並贏得於阿聯酋舉辦的PLG Grand Slam冠軍並結束2018賽季 。
隨著2019賽季的開始,WESG 2018的衛冕冠軍fnatic在WESG 2019 總決賽中在四強中輸給AGO後僅獲得殿軍後,但隊伍分別在StarSeries i-League第7賽季並在IEM Sydney 2019迅速反彈均取得亞軍成績。

Photo courtesy of HLTV
但是,這股氣勢沒有繼續延續下去,因為fnatic在接下來的三場大型賽事 – DreamHack Master Dallas 2019,ESL職業聯賽第9賽季總決賽和ESL One Cologne 2019中都未能於分組賽出線,然後在歐洲Minor成為他們最後的絕唱,他們於歐洲Minor淘汰賽之中接連輸給了mousesports和CR4ZY取得第四名無緣StarLadder Major Berlin 2019 更加首次打破隊史紀錄未能進身Major賽事。
“I want to thank Simon and Richard for everything we have achieved together,” Fnatic CS:GO director Andreas “Samuelsson” Samuelsson said in a statement. “I wish Simon and Richard nothing but the best in the future!
(我想感謝Xizt及twist一起取得的成就,我希望他們在未來一切順利 ! ) fnatic CSGO總監- Andreas “Samuelsson” Samuelsson
“We had a great time together outside the server and showed good potential in Shanghai and Sydney. It’s a great shame we never found any consistency nor the right chemistry in-game to achieve our goals.( 我們不論在服務器內外都共度美好時光,並在上海和悉尼的賽事之中展示了良好的潛力。但是我們戰隊的不穩定性,令到隊伍無法在比賽之中發揮化學反應,來實現我們的目標。 )
“Given the magnitude of failing to qualify for a Major for the first time in Fnatic’s history, a change was indeed necessary. Now, sadly without Simon and Richard, we must build a strong, consistent line-up for the future and bring Fnatic back to the very top.”( 鑑於Fnatic隊史上第一次未能獲得Major資格的重要性,確實需要做出改變。現在,遺憾的是,如果沒有Xizt和twist,我們必須為未來建立一個強大,穩定的陣容,並讓fnatic回歸到最頂端。 )
fnatic將會於10月1日至6日參加DreamHack Masters Malmö 2019這個將會是他們下一次LAN賽事,新選手將會在比賽開始加入隊伍之中。至於Xizt和twist,他們的未來現在還未確定,而Xizt承認這對他的職業生涯來說是一次警號。
“I think being on the bench will be beneficial for Fnatic, but will also have a positive effect on me in the long run,” Xizt said. “I know I haven’t been playing well lately, and certainly far from the level where I want to be myself.
(我覺得把我放入後備名單對fnatic來說是有好處的,從長遠來看也會對我產生積極的影響。 我知道我最近的表現並不好,而且遠遠超出了我預期之中的表現。)
“I don’t have any excuses for my bad performances, I only see this as a time for me to work even harder, to keep my head up and take this time to focus on myself and improve my individual skill. I am sure there will be more vetoes from me in grand finals in the near future.”
Jesper "JW" Wecksell
Freddy "KRIMZ" Johansson
Ludvig "Brollan" Brolin
Jimmy "Jumpy" Berndtsson (教練)
Richard "Xizt" Landström (後備名單)
Simon "twist" Eliasson (後備名單)
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