NaVi烏克蘭藉教頭kane將會在BLAST Pro Series Moscow結束後離開NaVi。
kane將會跟隨Zeus的步伐一起離開NaVi,Zeus於星期一發表了退役聲明兩者皆在BLAST Pro Series Moscow結束後離開NaVi,即意味著NaVi將要尋覓新教練及選手。
kane與Zeus於2017年一起加入NaVi,他們早前一同效力Gambit時曾贏得PGL Major Kraków 2017。
在kane的帶領下,NaVi一共奪得了7個LAN賽事冠軍而最近一次就是由中國上海舉行的StarSeries & i-League CS:GO Season 7。
“I would like to express my gratitude, first of all, to the fans of ours: I felt your support throughout 2 years — a big and sincere thanks!,” Kane told Na`Vi’s website. “I am sad to part ways with the guys who became a part of my life, but such is the work of a coach.
( 首先,我要感謝我們的粉絲:我感受到了你們兩年來的支持 – 真誠的感謝! 但我感到非常難過,我將要離開一些與我一起生活一段的人,但這就是教練的工作。 )
“I have to admit 2019 wasn’t the most successful in terms of results. Unfortunately, the main goal — winning a Major — remained unfulfilled. I will keep the memories of 2018, which I consider a successful year, and will be glad that some of the cups in NAVI museum are there in part due to my work.
( 我不得不承認戰隊於2019結果方面並不是最成功的。不幸的是,隊伍主要目標 – 贏得Major賽事 – 仍未實現。我將留下2018年的記憶,我認為這是一個成功的一年,並將很高興NAVI博物館的一些獎杯部分歸功於我的付出。 )
“I want to wish the fans to keep calm, the backbone of the team is young guys, and their path is still ahead of them. I am sure the next Major will see the squad fighting for the win. I will be happy to see everyone in Moscow at my last tournament in NAVI uniform.”
( 我希望粉絲們保持冷靜,因為隊伍的支柱是年輕選手,他們仍然要追趕戰隊目標。我相信下一屆Major將會看到NaVi為勝利而戰。我會很高興看到我身穿NAVI隊服最後一場比賽中在莫斯科所看到的每一個人。 )
Egor "flamie" Vasilyev
Aleksandr "s1mple" Kostyliev
Denis "electronic" Sharipov
Kirill "Boombl4" Mikhailov
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