Kjaerbye早前亦因為身體問題的關係已經缺陣較早舉行的ESL One:Road to Rio 歐洲賽區賽事,隨後North找來了教練Jumpy臨時出戰並成功打入淘汰賽階段。根據North的官方聲明提到,Kjaerbye因為最近幾個月時間經歷著腹痛、呼吸困難及胸部絞痛等問題困擾,所以希望藉此進行休息。
目前為AGF效力的Kristou,這名18歲選手平均rating為0.98,而他在丹麥本土賽事Elgiganten Ligaen中,則以1.47 K/D領先並協助AGF於11場比賽中勝出其中9場比賽。
North電競總監Graham Pitt就提到Kristou是他們一直想要的選手:
“We have been collecting and tracking data on a number of young talents in the Scandinavian region as part of our expanded scouting directive in 2020. When it became apparent that we would need a short term substitute due to Kjaerbye’s unfortunate situation, we wanted to take the opportunity to look at the future and use a young and developing talent.
“Among the many players that were at the top of our metrics, further analysis from our coaching team lead to Kristou standing out as a player that had the qualities that we desired for the role we were looking to fill. We are looking forward to seeing him play during our run in Dreamhack Masters.” – Graham Pitt, Head of Esports Operations
(在考慮所有人選後,我們的教練團隊最後決定找來Kristou,我們期待著看到他為我們出戰Dreamhack Masters的表現。)
Nicklas “gade” Gade
Mathias “MSL” Lauridsen
René “cajunb” Borg
Philip “aizy” Aistrup
Kristoffer “Kristou” Aamand (臨時隊員)
Jimmy “Jumpy” Berndtsson (教練)
Markus “Kjaerbye” Kjærbye (休養)
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