隨著IESF 2022 LAN預選賽即將到來,而TomorrowLAN團隊就找來了蒙古代表IHC Esports的Techno4K來接受訪問,了解這支連續兩屆代表亞洲參加Major的隊伍近況。
今年蒙古繼續派出CSGO項目參加IESF賽事,而代表隊就是贏下蒙古預選賽MESA Pro Series: Summer 2022的IHC Esports,IHC可以被認定為今年最成功的亞洲隊伍,事關這支蒙古戰隊於今個賽季是唯一一支參加兩屆Major賽事的亞洲隊伍。

TomorrowLAN: This is the first time Team Mongolia (IHC Esports) interviewed by TomorrowLAN. Can you introduce yourself and tell us what is the roles of each team member?
(TomorrowLAN: 今次是IHC Esports首先接受TomorrowLAN訪問,你們可以自我介紹一下以及隊中成員負責什麼位置?)
Techno: Hello , This is Techno from Team IHC and I’m currently playing as a rifler for my team. As for roles , our IGL is bLitz, AWPER is ANNIHILATION , sk0R , kabal and bartak are the riflers.
(Techno: Hello, 我是IHC的Techno,目前是隊伍的步槍手。至於其他成員包括指揮bLitz、狙擊手ANNIHILATION、而sk0R、kabal及bartak就是步槍手。)
TomorrowLAN: As we can see the line-up of IHC Esports is 6 man roster right now, what is the role for Bart4k currently?
(TomorrowLAN: 正如我們所見,IHC Esports目前是採用一個6人陣容,Bart4k的位置是什麼?)
Techno: He’s in main roster as a rifler , replacing kabal as stand-in.
(Techno: Bart4k主要會為kabal擔任Stand-in,當kabal沒有上場,就是他填補步槍手的角色。)
For young kids who are trying to go professionally in CSGO , just eat well , sleep well , play and practice well. Time management is everything.
Techno comment on “young talent” who want to be CSGO pro player
TomorrowLAN: For the 2022 Season, you won 2 Asia RMR championships in-row and play in majors back to back, but the team failure qualifies for other international events. How 2022 is for you personally?
(TomorrowLAN: 對於2022年賽季,你們連續贏下兩場亞洲RMR賽事並參加今年所有Major,但是隊伍無法出線到其他國際賽事,對於你個人來說2022年賽季有什麼感受?)
Techno: For us as of team this year we made it to both majors and it was great achievement , and for me it was like my dream came true.
(Techno: 今年打入所有Major,對我們隊伍來說是一個創隊史的成就,對我來說簡直是夢想成真一樣。)
TomorrowLAN: In the ESL Challenger and BLAST Asia qualifier, the team’s performance seems inconsistent. What problems does the team face?
(TomorrowLAN: 隊伍表現分別在ESL Challenger及BLAST 亞洲預選賽中都表現不穩定,你們正面對著什麼問題?)
Techno: We performed inconsistent , guess we were really tired.
(Techno: 我們表現並不穩定,很可能是我們已經累了。)
TomorrowLAN: Congregations, you are the record holder for the youngest player of two consecutive major events, do you have any tips to share with the young talents to become the next Techno?
(TomorroLAN: 恭喜,你是連續兩場Major賽事中最年輕選手的紀錄保持者,你有沒有任何祕訣可以分享給予年輕玩家成為下一個Techno呢?)
Techno: Yeah , as I said before it was like dream , and for young kids who are trying to go professionally in CSGO , just eat well , sleep well , play and practice well. Time management is everything.
(Techno: 是的,正如我之前所說,感覺好似做夢一樣。 對於年輕玩家希望能夠職業CSGO選手,最重要是時間管理,飲食、睡眠、玩CS及練習各樣分配好及做得好就可以了。)
TomorrowLAN: That is the first Asia international LAN event after the pandemic, what is your feeling back to Asia to play a big event here?
(TomorrowLAN: 今次賽事作為疫情後首個亞洲國際性LAN賽事,你對於可以返回亞洲打LAN有什麼感受?)
Techno: I’m super excited to play there.
(Techno: 我已經十分興奮可以在印尼打LAN了。)
TomorrowLAN: Can you elaborate on how’s the Mongolia/SEA scene at the moment?
(TomorrowLAN: 可以說說目前蒙古以及東南亞的CS情況?)
Techno: Compared to before It has improved a lot , and teams and players are getting better everyday.
(Techno: 比起之前進步了很多,[亞洲] 隊伍和選手每天都在進步。)
TomorrowLAN: Do IHC Esports will plan bootcamp in Europe next year?
(TomorrowLAN: IHC Esports有計劃在明年於歐洲集訓嗎?)
Techno: We have been discussing about bootcamping in Europe , guess we have to just wait.
(Techno: 我們已經在討論歐洲集訓的計劃,我相信很快會有定案。)
TomorrowLAN: what aims have you set for this tournament?
(TomorrowLAN: 你們對今次賽事有什麼目標?)
Techno: We have only one goal every single tournament , and that is goal is to win.
(Techno: 我們對於所有賽事都只有一個目標就是贏下冠軍。)
TomorrowLAN: My last question, is there anything you want to say to IHC Esports fans?
(TomorrowLAN: 最後一條問題,你有什麼想與一班支持IHC Esports的粉絲說呢?)
Techno: Thanks for supporting us along our journey and keep supporting us , love you guys. Also thanks for TomorrowLAN for the Interview.
(Techno: 感謝一路支持我們的粉絲,我愛你們。而很感謝TomorrowLAN的訪問。)
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