隨著IESF 2022 LAN預選賽已經進入淘汰賽階段,而TomorrowLAN團隊就找來了羅馬利亞代表OneTap Gaming的GEOHYPE來接受訪問。

TomorrowLAN: Is it your first time to be Indonesia Bali here, can you share your feelings right now?
(TomorrowLAN: 這次應該是你首次來到印尼峇里? 可以分享一下感覺嗎?)
GEOHYPE: Yeah, for me this it my time to be here. So my feeling for right now is so incredible. It okay for now.
(GEOHYPE: 是的,這是我首次來到印尼峇里,感覺十分很令人難以置信,這裡都很好。)
TomorrowLAN: Your team had a strong performance in the group stage to win all the match-up, do you feel the team go far in the tournament?
(TomorrowLAN: 你的隊伍在小組賽有著很好的表現在小組賽全勝,你認為隊伍可以走到多遠?)
GEOHYPE: We have a good expectation for this LAN, we need to go the main event. And the we will see what we can do in the playoffs.
(GEOHYPE: 對於今次比賽我們有著很高的期望,我們需要打入正賽,就讓我們看看在淘汰賽階段可以帶來什麼吧。)
TomorrowLAN: As you already advance to the playoffs stage, who do you see as your biggest challenges in the playoffs?
(TomorrowLAN: 隨著隊伍已經進入淘汰賽,你認為在淘汰賽有什麼隊伍會威脅到你們?)
GEOHYPE: The biggest challenges for the qualify team, Bulgaria and Mongolia.
(GEOHYPE: 淘汰賽階段的最大威脅應該會是保加利亞以及蒙古。)
TomorrowLAN: My last question, what are the aims have you set for this tournament?
(TomorrowLAN: 最後一條問題,對於今次比賽有什麼目標?)
GEOHYPE: The top 3 for this event.
(GEOHYPE: 比賽前三名)
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