隨著IESF 2022女子賽已經進行了首日賽事,而TomorrowLAN團隊就找來了主辦國印尼代表隊的margeaux來接受訪問。

TomorrowLAN: As we know the core of Team Indonesia from VALORANT Female team Alter Ego Celestè mainly. Why the team will choose to switch back to CSGO to play this event?
(TomorrowLAN: 據我們所知,印尼隊的核心主要來自VALORANT女子隊Alter Ego Celestè。 為什麼戰隊會選擇返回CSGO打這個賽事?)
margeaux: First of all, as we know VCT Game Changers for 2022 has finished and it is off-season for all of the players, and we also think it’s truly an honor and a really good opportunity to be able to play in this tournament and represent our country, Indonesia.
(margeaux: 首先,據我們知道,2022 年的 VCT Game Changers賽季經結束,現在是所有選手的休賽期,我們也認為能夠參加本次比賽是我們作為印尼選手的榮幸以及很好機會,於比賽上代表我們國家 – 印尼。)
TomorrowLAN: Your team in VALORANT was dominating in SEA female scene during the 2020 to 2021 season. Can you elaborate on the playstyle between CSGO and VALROANT?
(TomorrowLAN: 你們的隊伍於2020年至2021年曾統治整個東南亞女子賽事,你可以指出CSGO和VALORANT在打法上的分別嗎?)
margeaux: The playstyle is very different, aim and movement wise we have to remember our muscle memory like how we used to play when we were active in CSGO competitive, we also have to learn lineups again from the start as we have already forgotten a lot of them
(margeaux: 兩個遊戲之間的打法相當不同,我們只能依靠早前在CSGO參加比賽的肌肉記憶來想法準心擺位以及走位。但是隊伍已經忘記了很多,所以只能由頭學起。)
TomorrowLAN: After your team won against Namibia, and you have a star performance in the match, your team is confident to fight against the loser between Poland and Argentina in the consolidation final?
(TomorrowLAN: 隊伍在戰勝納米比亞的賽事之中,你打出星級選手的表現,隊伍有信心在面對敗者組決賽面對波蘭或阿根廷嗎?)
(margeaux: We are confident to fight against both teams, because we already know our mistakes from the previous matches. Poland or Argentina, we are prepared and will try our best to improve our game.)
(margeaux: 我們有信心與這兩支隊伍交手,因為我們已經從之前的比賽中知道了自己的錯誤。 即使面對波蘭或阿根廷,我們已經準備好並將盡最大努力提高我們的比賽水平。)

TomorrowLAN: It is the first time to see the Indonesian female team to participated in an international event hosted by Indonesia. Do you feel nervous to play on such a big stage for representing your motherland here?
(TomorrowLAN: 第一次看到印尼女子隊參加印尼主辦的國際賽事。 在這裡代表祖國在這麼大的舞台上表演,你會感到緊張嗎?)
margeaux: As you can see on the first map, we struggled with our mental since it was the first international LAN tournament for some of our players too, it is also quite a pressure to represent the country as well as Indonesia being the host of this tournament. But as we showed on the second map and the second game against Namibia, we gained our confidence back and adapted better.
(margeaux: 正如你在第一張地圖上看到的那樣,我們的心理很掙扎,因為這對我們的一些選手來說也是第一次國際線下錦標賽,代表國家和印度尼西亞作為本次錦標賽的東道主也是一個很大的壓力。 但是正如我們在第二張地圖和第二場比賽對陣納米比亞的比賽中所打出的表現,我們找回了信心並且更好地適應了比賽節奏。)
TomorrowLAN: What is your goal for the 2023 Season?
(TomorrowLAN: 對於2023賽季你的有什麼計劃?)
margeaux: I am personally planning to retire from eSports for 2023 but I am still unsure of this decision, if CSGO competitive scene comes back alive in Asia, I would definitely be glad to play again
(margeaux: 我個人計劃在 2023 年從電子競技退役,但我仍然不確定這個決定,如果 CSGO 電競圈可以在亞洲重新活躍起來,我肯定會很高興再次參加比賽)
TomorrowLAN: My last question, here in Bali, what are your expectations, and what have you come here to prove?
(TomorrowLAN: 最後一條問題,在峇里島你們的期望是什麼,以及你們希望證明什麼?)
margeaux: We come with no expectations, we just try to do our best since our opponents are a lot more experienced and up-to-date with the current meta in CSGO, meanwhile all of us are active in Valorant and had never played CSGO anymore until this tournament came up. However we are confident enough with our 1 month preparation as we have given our best during practice.
(margeaux:我們沒有期望,我們只是盡力而為,因為我們的對手更有經驗,更了解 CSGO 當前的meta,與此同時,我們所有人都活躍在 Valorant 中,並且從未玩過 CSGO 直到這場比賽出現。 然而,我們對 1 個月的準備有足夠的信心,因為我們在練習中已經盡力而為。)
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