隨著eXTREMESLAND 2023即將開始,TomorrowLAN團隊找來了中東代表隊伍ACME的埃及選手Faller來接受訪問,期間談及隊伍近況以及非洲CS環境等等。

TomorrowLAN: This is the first time ACME has been interviewed by TomorrowLAN. Can you introduce yourself?
(TomorrowLAN: Faller你們好,很高興能夠與你做訪問,可以自我介紹一下嗎?)
Faller: Hello my in-game name is Faller, I’m from Egypt but I currently live in Dubai
Faller: 大家好,我的遊戲ID是Faller,我是一名目前居住在杜拜的埃及選手。
TomorrowLAN: We have seen that you got a different line-up in the Middle east qualifier and grand final in Shanghai, so why the team member is different?
(TomorrowLAN: 看到你們隊伍陣容參加eXTREMESLAND總決賽或中東預選賽的時候,有所不同 為什麼呢?)
Faller: One of player is unavailable to play in this tournament and playing in another tournament, so he couldn’t come. And then, make some adjustments for the team and have chemistry in the team. So we changed the line-up for the team.
Faller: 我們本身有個選手,但是他要參加其他比賽,所以無辦法過來這次比賽,所以我們在隊伍上作出有些調整令隊伍化學反應更好,這是我們陣容改變的原因。
TomorrowLAN: So we have seen that the team members are from three different countries, how do you communicate daily?
(TomorrowLAN: 看到你們陣容名單裏有來自三個國家選手,你們隊伍日常是如何交流溝通呢?)
Faller: I mean for our team, we communicate in English, even though we speak Russian and Arabic I don’t know a lot, because we think in Dubai you can find people from everywhere, you wouldn’t the people just from this country, so it is a different scenario. Sometimes, I would like to give some callouts to the team, but sometimes they don’t understand but is ok.
(Faller: 我們平時會以英語、俄語以及阿拉伯語交流,你在杜拜的時候你會找來來自世界各地的人,不僅僅是阿聯酋的人,所以這是我們隊伍不同的情況,正如有些時候我在指揮隊伍打法時,他們有時也不知道我在說什麼,不過還好畢竟CS就是語言。)
TomorrowLAN: So we know that you are from Egypt, we are curious about esports and CS environment in Egypt and also in Africa?
(TomorrowLAN: 我們留意到faller是埃及選手,可以說一下埃及跟非洲的CS環境嗎?)
Faller: As I said mentioned that, I live in Dubai for myself. In Egypt and Africa, there is a lot of the pro scene moving to VALORANT that I can say, In CS it is not very yet in Egypt and Africa. But there are a lot of players like myself who live outside competing as a player as well.
Faller: 正如我所說,我目前住在杜拜,而在埃及跟非洲這邊有很多選手轉投VALORANT,所以CS在這些地區氣氛不是太熱烈,還有很多玩家跟我一樣在外面生活及比賽。
TomorrowLAN: In your group schedule, you have two Asian top team TYLOO and The MongolZ in the same group, Do you expect to play against them?
(TomorrowLAN: 你們小組有兩支亞洲頂級隊的TYLOO跟The MongolZ,你們期待與他們交手嗎?)
Faller: Yeah, I know the teams and they expecting having good in competition, but you know I mean come here to prove ourselves that the Middle East scene is good, we would like to show the pro level of players hopefully.
Faller: 是的,我知道這些隊伍,他們過往在比賽中取得好成績以及賽事大熱門,但我們來這裡是為了證明自己,以及向大家證明中東CS實力,我們希望展示中東選手水平。
TomorrowLAN: What is so your goal for this tournament?
(TomorrowLAN: 你們隊伍在今次eXTREMESLAND比賽目標是什麼?)
Faller: My goal of course to win it, for the team everyone wants to win it but if I not gonna to win it just coming here to see China is about the experience for me I’m happy to be there.
Faller: 我的個人目標是一定是為了贏下比賽,對於隊伍每個人來說也是,但如果我們沒有贏下的話,那來到中國周圍看看這對我來看也是一個很開心的經歷。
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