隨著eXTREMESLAND 2023今日完成小組賽賽事,TomorrowLAN團隊找來了The MongolZ的Senzu來接受訪問,期間談及隊伍近況以及個人經歷等等。
其他eXTREMESLAND 2023專題文章:
dobu MiQ將為NKT Stand-in eXTREMESLAND 2023
aumaN: 在TYLOO重遇舊隊友十分深刻, 大家也會互相提點
Different: 年輕玩家對當地CS環境十分重要, 當我們看到IHC星散時, 都以為中國戰隊會再次主導亞洲CS
中東ACME: 我們來這裡是為了證明自己, 以及向大家展示中東CS實力
韓國On Sla2ers Owen: 我們希望能夠與TYLOO打一場勢均力敵的比賽, 或者是在小組出線
E9 neverland: 我的職業生涯一路走過來就不容易吧, 很榮幸能夠參與eXTREMESLAND這些大型賽事
旁述Searph: eXTREMESLAND平民向賽事 能夠令中國CS發掘更多新選手及提供隊伍比賽機會
EmiliaQAQ: 期待以主場隊伍身份參加4月份IEM 成都賽事
eXTREMESLAND 2023小組賽戰報 LVG TYLOO四強上演中國打吡
Senzu: 重回蒙古隊伍令我感到舒服, 所有成員都是用同一種語言來交流
XigN: 面對MongolZ將會是一場硬仗 我們會盡全力作賽
zhokiNg: 以前是隊友身份 現在是以另一個角度來幫助他們比賽

Thanks for the KEi translating for us
TomorrowLAN: This is the first time Senzu has been interviewed by TomorrowLAN. Can you introduce yourself?
(TomorrowLAN: Senzu你好,很高興能夠與你做訪問,可以自我介紹一下嗎?)
Senzu: Hello I’m Azbayar, my nickname is Senzu and from Mongolia
(Senzu: 大家好,我是來自蒙古的Azbayar,我的遊戲ID是Senzu。)
TomorrowLAN: Can you please share your team’s daily practice schedule?
(TomorrowLAN: 可以分享一下The MongolZ日常訓練行程嗎?)
Senzu: So early in the morning, we do individual practice just like deathmatch, shooting the bots, through kind of things. We do two scrims per day starting from 11 am to 8 pm, nine hours of practice.
(Senzu: 我們在上午首先會做一些個人訓練,例如打Bot跟去打死鬥,之後每天就有兩場訓練賽,我們訓練大概由上午11點到下午8點左右。)
TomorrowLAN: You are a very young player in the team, and just transferred from Team NKT to The MongolZ, in The Mongolz they changed the core members, how do you adapt to the team from the international line-up to the Mongolian line-up?
(TomorrowLAN: 你是一名十分年輕的選手,而剛剛從NKT轉會到The MongolZ,至於MongolZ也轉換了他們的核心陣容,你是如何適應從國際陣容換回來蒙古陣容?)
Senzu: That is very comfortable for me to be in The MongolZ, because I can speak my native language and all players speak in one language to communicate, so that is easy for me right now.
(Senzu: 現在在The MongolZ的環境對我來說十分舒服,因為我可以說自己本身的語言,而所有成員都是說同一種語言去溝通交流,所以現在對我來說真的沒有什麼問題。)

TomorrowLAN: Does your coach help you a lot like the difference from him, what impact the coach actually that you find really like and as a player or as a team compared with NKT that other team you played?
(TomorrowLAN: 教練對你的幫助有多大嗎,如果與你之前效力的隊伍相比?作為一名選手或作為一個團隊,你覺得自己真正喜歡的教練有什麼影響?)
Senzu: My coach (maaRaa) lets me play freely, it doesn’t really limit or restrict my moving or playstyle, I can do everything I want. More actually giving freedom to me and playing my style compared with others.
(Senzu: 目前我的教練讓我可以很自由地打,過程中亦不會加什麼限制在我的走位或遊戲風格上,基本上我想做什麼都可以,所以這就是我目前的情況和跟其他隊伍教練上的分別。)
TomorrowLAN: The MongolZ entered the RMR, you guys trying to qualify for the major, are you ready to face the European team?
(TomorrowLAN: The MongolZ你們已經躋身了RMR,你們目前正在爭奪Major名額,你們準備好面對歐洲隊伍嗎?)
Senzu: I am ready when I was born.
(Senzu: 從我一出世就已經準備好了。)
TomorrowLAN: What is your goal for this tournament?
(TomorrowLAN: 你們在這次比賽有什麼目標?)
Senzu: To be a champion
(Senzu: 成為冠軍。)
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