隨著eXTREMESLAND 2023今日完成小組賽賽事,TomorrowLAN團隊找來了NKT的XigN來接受訪問,期間談及隊伍近況以及韓國CS等等。
其他eXTREMESLAND 2023專題文章:
dobu MiQ將為NKT Stand-in eXTREMESLAND 2023
aumaN: 在TYLOO重遇舊隊友十分深刻, 大家也會互相提點
Different: 年輕玩家對當地CS環境十分重要, 當我們看到IHC星散時, 都以為中國戰隊會再次主導亞洲CS
中東ACME: 我們來這裡是為了證明自己, 以及向大家展示中東CS實力
韓國On Sla2ers Owen: 我們希望能夠與TYLOO打一場勢均力敵的比賽, 或者是在小組出線
E9 neverland: 我的職業生涯一路走過來就不容易吧, 很榮幸能夠參與eXTREMESLAND這些大型賽事
旁述Searph: eXTREMESLAND平民向賽事 能夠令中國CS發掘更多新選手及提供隊伍比賽機會
EmiliaQAQ: 期待以主場隊伍身份參加4月份IEM 成都賽事
eXTREMESLAND 2023小組賽戰報 LVG TYLOO四強上演中國打吡
Senzu: 重回蒙古隊伍令我感到舒服, 所有成員都是用同一種語言來交流
XigN: 面對MongolZ將會是一場硬仗 我們會盡全力作賽
zhokiNg: 以前是隊友身份 現在是以另一個角度來幫助他們比賽

TomorrowLAN: This is the first time XigN has been interviewed by TomorrowLAN. Can you introduce yourself?
(TomorrowLAN: 你好! 感謝XigN 你接受TomorrowLAN的訪問,可以自我介紹一下嗎?)
XigN: Hello guys! I’m XigN from Team NKT nice to meet you.
(XigN: 大家好,我是來自Team NKT的XigN,很高興認識到你。)
TomorrowLAN: Can you share a little of your story and how you joined Team NKT?
(TomorrowLAN: 可以分享一下, 你加入NKT的故事嗎?)
XigN: I was in BTRG with Impression and xccurate, and at that time BTRG did something bad to us. So we looking for another team and MYM suggested we to join Thailand org together and we joined NKT with MYM.
TomorrowLAN: The recent statics for NKT are a little bit unstable and shaky, so do you what problem facing right now?
(TomorrowLAN: NKT最近狀態都有點不穩定, 隊伍目前面對著什麼問題呢?)
XigN: In the past 2 to 3 years, we had some problems that we could not fix, so we changed a lot of the line-up, another big problem is for most Asian players the English is bad to them. When they joined us, they could not perform same level when they played with the team in their own language. So the first problem is a language barrier, and the second problem is we did not have a good coach.
(XigN: 在過去的2至3年期間,我們遇到了一些無辦法解決的問題,所以我們進行了很多陣容上的變化。另一個大問題是對大多數亞洲玩家來說,英語對他們來說是一個困難,當他們加入我們時,他們無法在英語環境中表現出和使用母語時相同的水平。所以第一個問題是語言障礙,第二個問題是我們沒有一位好的教練。)
TomorrowLAN: Before you joined BTRG and NKT, you played in some Korean teams like MVP Project and MVP PK, what are the playstyle differences between the Asian team and the Korean team?
(TomorrowLAN: 你之前打過MVP Project, MVP PK, 目前在國際陣容的BTRG跟NKT, 打法上韓國隊伍跟亞洲隊伍的風格有什麼不同?)
XigN: Before when I played with MVP, at that time we were really focused on tactics, most of the rounds we played with tactics, and actually this was bad. The big problem is some teams just rush at the same time, we don’t need hard for them, we don’t need to do that smoke, we gonna do to this. But now we try to play different styles and nowadays default is very important, so I think that is the big difference.
(XigN: 在我和MVP一起打比賽的時候,我們非常注重戰術,大部分回合我們都是按照戰術來打。但實際上這樣做是不太好。第一個問題是有些戰隊沒有戰術可言並只會Rush,我們不需要就這樣的打法作出戰術上的調動,我們也不需要跟戰術扔那個煙,我們這個回合要做什麼之類。但現在我們嘗試打出不同的風格,現在的默許(Default) 打法變得非常重要,所以我認為這是一個很大的不同之處。)

TomorrowLAN: After today, you advance to the semi-final, and you will face The MongolZ, what do you expect for your team and play against MongolZ?
(TomorrowLAN: 接下來eXTREMESLAND進入了淘汰賽, 四強就要面對The MongolZ有什麼期望?)
XigN: I don’t expect anything, and we just try to win and we just know it is not too soft. MongolZ is the number one Asian team right now and it is gonna be a tough game, we will try our best. We also know how MongolZ plays, we just try our best.
(XigN: 我沒有期望任何東西,我們會努力去贏下,這場比賽不會是一場輕鬆的比賽。MongolZ現在是亞洲排名第一的戰隊,這將是一場艱難的比賽,我們會盡力而為。我們也知道MongolZ的打法,我們會盡力應對。)
TomorrowLAN: What is your goal for this year?
(TomorrowLAN: 今年有什麼目標?)
XigN: I would want to make it to major.
(XigN: 我想能夠打入Major。)
TomorrowLAN: Do you have anything want to tell who is supporting NKT or your fans?
(TomorrowLAN: 有什麼想跟NKT支持者或支持你的人說呢?)
XigN: I really want to said Thanks who supporting us, and we gonna try our best. Keep cheering for us and supporting us.
(XigN: 我真的想對支持我們的人表示感謝,我們會盡全力。請繼續為我們加油和支持我們。)
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