隨著IEM Chengu 2024進行當中,TomorrowLAN團隊找來了丹麥戰隊Astralis的新成員br0來接受訪問,期間談及隊伍近況以及個人經歷等等。
TomorrowLAN: Hello bro, Can you please introduce yourself to our audience?
br0: Hello I am Alexander Bro, 21 years old and about 22 and I play CS 10 years now and my pro team is Astralis
(TomorrowLAN: Hello br0, 你與我們讀者可以自我介紹一下嗎?)
(br0: 大家好! 我是Alexander Bro 遊戲ID是br0,今年21歲就快22歲了,我已經打了10年CS了而我正為Astralis效力。)
TomorrowLAN: You played from Astralis Talent, Monte, what is your feeling when you get the offer from Astralis?
br0: It was a proud feeling when I played for the talent team and I went to Monte and went back so very nice.
(TomorrowLAN: 你曾經效力Astralis Talent以及Monte,當你能夠加入Astralis主隊的時候感覺如何?)
(br0: 這個有一個自豪的感覺,尤其是我效過Astralis青訓隊,之後加盟Monte,能夠返回主隊的感覺真的很好。)
TomorrowLAN: After the RMR, Astralis made some changes, device took over the IGL, and you joined the team, during the IEM group stage you beat some major playoff teams, such as VP, FaZe. Do you think the team is in good shape now?
br0: I think we are in good shape right now but I feel like we have more to show just about gaining the experience that we need and playing the maps together and feel each other as a team. But yeah, we are good I feel like we can be better.
(TomorrowLAN: 在RMR之後,Astralis作出了很多作動,例如device接手指揮,而你亦在這個時間加入了隊伍,而這次在IEM成都小組賽中,Astralis新陣容擊敗了一些PGL Major淘汰賽隊伍,例如VP及FaZe。你認為當刻隊伍狀態很好嗎?)
(br0: 是的,我認為隊伍狀態很好,但是我認為隊伍仍然有很多東西尚未打出來,所以都是賺取經驗,以及一同作戰互相與隊友磨合。所以當刻隊伍感覺不錯,但是我們仍然進步空間。)
TomorrowLAN: Now, device has taken over the IGL, what do you think of his call style?
br0: device is a very experienced player, he is also a very intelligent human being. He also very smart and controls the decision when he comes to CS. And he really shows that he wanna take this role and he fits it very nicely.
(TomorrowLAN: 現在device是Astralis指揮,你對於device的指揮風格什麼看法?)
(br0: Device是一個非常有經驗的選手,他也是一個非常聰明的人。尤其是device他對CS的見解,他可以衡量不同決定以及應對各種情況,所以我認為他真的想擔任這個指揮位置,他非常適合這個角色。)
TomorrowLAN: As Kasper mentioned in HLTV Confirmed, the team will put more in-game resources into stavn and jabbi, that is the way you want to play?
br0: To me, I don’t mind because I feel like I can play in every position as well. As I have the mouse and keyboard I can play the game and I see my teammates shining and victory I’m find with that.
(TomorrowLAN: 正如Astralis總監Kasper的HLTV Confirmed上提到隊伍打法將會投入更多資源放在stavn及jabbi身上,這個打法是你想要的嗎?)
(br0: 對我來說,我不在意因為我覺得我能勝任任何位置,至少我有鍵盤及滑鼠在手,我就能夠打出自己想要的東西,[如果我擔任輔助角色] 但我看到隊友發揮出色以及贏下比賽,我就對此沒有在意。)
TomorrowLAN: That is your first event with Astralis, and you advance to the semi-final, Are you satisfied with this performance?
br0: Not yet, so far away that we can playing very well I think but there also some mistake and some from myself but we are working on it every single time. So winning obviously is the main goal but we will see.
(TomorrowLAN: 這是你首個與Astralis的賽事,你已經躋身了四強,你滿意今次表現嗎?)
(br0: 還沒有,對於目標還差得遠,我認為我們可以打得很好,但是隊伍出現了一些錯誤,而我自己也犯下了一些錯誤,所以我們每次都在努力減少失誤並做好自身。因此,對於勝利的渴求當然是主要目標,但拭目以待隊伍的改善。)

Photo courtesy of HLTV
TomorrowLAN: br0, you have experience playing for an international team and now back to the Danish squad, what is the difference between playing for an international team and a Danish lineup?
br0: The differences are the culture and understanding each other, it is very difficult to communicate fast in game because of language barriers but also the Eastern European culture which I went in Monte is very hard working but there is a barrier with the guys communication will be a little bit rough.
(TomorrowLAN: br0你有在國際陣容上以及丹麥本土陣容上效力的經歷,兩者有什麼分別?)
(br0: [國際陣容與本土陣容的分別] 不同之處在於文化和理解對方想法,由於國際陣容會出現語言障礙,因此在遊戲中快速交流就會變得很難,但我在Monte的時候東歐選手有一個特點就是他們非常勤力,但有一個缺點就是剛剛提到語言問題在交流上可能未能達到大家想要的東西。)
TomorrowLAN: Is this your first time coming to China, What about Chengdu is everything ok for you?
br0: This is my first time so far it has been. It is a very cool experience.
(TomorrowLAN: 這是br0你第一次來到中國嗎? 成都這座城市怎麼樣?)
(br0: 到目前為止,這是我第一次來到中國。這是一次非常cool的體驗。)
TomorrowLAN: Is there anything you want to say to your fans?
br0: Yes, I would say I appreciate everyone’s supporting, especially in China. It is very obvious how much support we have; it is very nice.
(TomorrowLAN: 你有什麼想跟支持你的粉絲說嗎?)
(br0: 是的,我想講我感謝大家的支持,尤其是在中國的粉絲。這個是在比賽上很容易看見的,我得到了多少粉絲的支持。)
Cover image courtesy of HLTV
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