隨著IEM Chengu 2024進行當中,TomorrowLAN團隊找來了歐洲戰隊G2教練TaZ來接受訪問,期間談及隊伍近況以及內部問題等等。
TomorrowLAN: Hello TaZ, Can you please introduce yourself to our audience?
TaZ: Hello, my name is Wiktor Wojtas and I’ve been playing professionally CS over 20 years. I’ve been in China for many events before as Team Pentagram, AGAiN and Virtus.pro, so that’s it.
(TomorrowLAN: Hello TaZ,你可以與我們的讀者自我介紹一下嗎?)
(TaZ: 大家好!我是Wiktor Wojtas,我已經打了超過20年的職業CS了,我之前的職業生涯中效力Team Pentagram、AGAiN以及Virtus.pro的時候亦有來過中國比賽。)
TomorrowLAN: what a close series against MOUZ, what your feeling?
TaZ: My feeling is that we didn’t want to lose, the game more than we wanted to win and that’s why we lost the whole contest. We were well played to go because they just wanted it more.
(TomorrowLAN: 剛剛面對MOUZ的比賽十分接近,你對這場比賽感覺如何?)
(TaZ: 我的感覺是隊伍心態上是不想輸掉比賽多於想贏下比賽,這就是我們輸掉整場比賽的原因。 我們打得很好,但只是MOUZ他們更想要這場比賽的勝利。)
TomorrowLAN: Let’s talk about the map 3 overpass, seems g2 is struggling in the second half side what is the problem for the CT side?
TaZ: Oh, it’s a complicated thing, but I think that it’s something I need to step up a lot more. I feel like we need that push to make some decisions and that’s my job to make it. And obviously if we didn’t play enough aggressive, that’s for me.
(TomorrowLAN: 讓我們談談最後一張地圖Overpass,看起來G2在CT防守方的時候十分掙扎,當時是出現什麼問題?)
(TaZ: 哦,這是一件複雜的情況,對我來說這是我需要進一步為隊伍加強的事情。我覺得我們需要這種推動力來做一些決定,而很明顯是我的工作。 這種情況很容易看到,當我們打得不夠激進,我的看法就是這樣。)

Photo courtesy of HLTV
TomorrowLAN: G2 has been a little shaky in recent tournaments. Do you think how far is the performance of the team from the best forms?
TaZ: I think both times [PGL Major and IEM] we were very close to going to the finals. Both times we didn’t lose to other teams. It felt like we lost ourselves and our confidence. Obviously, the teams that won against us were better, but we just felt that something was going very off in our heads.
(TomorrowLAN: G2最近成績也相當不穩定,你認為目前隊伍距離最佳狀態還有多遠呢?)
(TaZ: 我認為這兩次 [PGL Major和IEM] 我們都非常接近進入決賽,兩次比賽中我們都沒有輸給其他隊伍,只是感覺上我們迷失了以及缺乏自信。顯然,擊敗我們的隊伍表現更加好,但我們只是覺得我們腦海裡有些東西不對勁。)
TomorrowLAN: As we can see, G2 always only has 1 step away from champions, do you know what is the problem the team facing?
TaZ: The only problem is that we need to be more decisive in what we want to do during the game and the last thing we can do is to be passive.
(TomorrowLAN: 我們經過看到G2始終距離冠軍只有一步之遙,你知道隊伍面對著什麼問題嗎?)
(TaZ: 唯一的問題是,我們在比賽中需要更果斷地做自己想做的事情,而我們在比賽最不可以做的事就是被動。)
TomorrowLAN: G2 is one of the most popular teams in China, and they said China is a home court for the G2. What is your feeling about playing in a Chinese crowd again?
TaZ: I mean, I love the Chinese crowd. I feel like the fans are amazing and they are very nice and it feels very. It feels amazing to play in front Chinese crowd.
(TomorrowLAN: G2是中國裹最受歡迎的隊伍之一,支持者他們說中國是G2的主場。再次在中國觀眾面前比賽感覺如何?)
(TaZ: 我喜歡在中國觀眾面前打比賽感覺十分好。我覺得他們很棒,非常友善。)
TomorrowLAN: As I remember, this is not your first time coming to China, you played a lot of Counter-Strike tournaments in China even CS 1.6 and CSGO. What about Chengdu is everything ok for you?
TaZ: Yeah, I love Chengdu. We had WCG in 2009 in Chengdu, which we won. So I have only good memories about Chengdu.
(TomorrowLAN: 我記得,這不是TaZ你第一次來中國,你曾在中國參加了很多反恐精英比賽,甚至包括CS1.6和CSGO。 成都這座城市怎麼樣,覺得還好嗎?)
(TaZ: 是的,我喜歡成都。我們於2009年時贏下了WCG,當時就在成都舉辦,所以我對來說成都只有美好的回憶。)

Photo courtesy of HLTV
TomorrowLAN: Is there anything you want to say to your Chinese fans?
TaZ: I just want to say big thanks for cheering for us, for being with us for the whole event, and we will come back stronger.
(TomorrowLAN: 你有什麼想跟支持你的粉絲說嗎?)
(TaZ: 我只想說非常感謝你們為我們加油,感謝你們在整個賽事中陪伴我們,我們會變得更強大。)
Cover courtesy of HLTV
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