ESEA Free 1-Month Premium Giveaway
ESEA Servers in Asia-Pacific:
ESEA Asia Pacific is currently providing server in the following regions:
- [SG] Singapore
- [HK] Hong Kong
- [TW] Taipei, Taiwan
- [JP] Tokyo, Japan
- [KR] Seoul, South Korea
ESEA Premium Code:
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How to use the above invitation code?
The steps to use the above code are actually fairly simple.
First, you must have an ESEA website member account. You can register your ESEA member account by following the steps below. If you have already registered before, you can skip
1.Go to ESEA Premium membership subscribe page(PORTAL)
2.Click on "Redeem a code"
3. Click the sign to login via OpenID with your Steam account.
4. Fill in the registration information like below, and finally click on "Submit Registration"
5. Message "User registration successfully completed" will be shown if the account registration succeed
6. Click on "Redeem a code" again after page redirect
7. Login In Now
8. Go to Code Redeem Page
9. Fill in the above ESEA Premium (Each code can only be activated once)
10. You will now have 1-month premium membership。
You may now download ESEA Client from Steam
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