這名HLTV年度選手排行榜之中取得兩年(2016及2017年)Top 1的巴西選手coldzera目前被MIBR放入後備名單後,正在評估他的選擇,他表示希望在FalleN的隊伍一同作戰已經四年後加入其他隊伍接受新的挑戰。

Photo courtesy of HLTV
現在,有至少四支隊伍似乎對coldzera感興趣,而coldzera亦確認收到了“四支隊伍”的轉會詢問,但他表示並不急於承諾任何決定,因為StarLadder Major即將來臨。
"I am still analyzing the offers I have received," he said in an interview with ESPN Esports Brasil. "After a Major there is always this game of musical chairs in the scene, so I still need to wait and see if I receive some other offers.
( coldzera在接受ESPN Esports Brazil採訪時說道,"我仍在分析我收到的轉會報價。" 在StarLadder Major Berlin 2019後,CSGO職業圈將會在Major後進行大規模轉會,所以我仍然需要等待,看看我是否收到其他offers。)
"The financial issue is the least of my concerns. My biggest concern is who I will play with, the kind of organisation I will play under, if it has a good structure or not.
(財務問題是我最不關心的問題。 我最關心的是我與和那些選手組隊,及我為那些戰隊效力,如果它有一個良好的戰隊結構。 )
"There are many factors that need to be considered, and I need to do it with care. Every rushed decision brings problems in the end. I am very calm, even if I do not compete for two or three months.
(有許多因素需要考慮,所以我需要小心謹慎。 每一個匆忙的決定最終都會帶來問題。 我必須很平靜,即使我沒有參加什麼比賽在過去兩三個月。)
"I am going to Europe on Wednesday to practice individually. By the time I join another team I will be very strong."
"After I left, they went a bit overboard in terms of [finding] happiness, saying that 'we are better off without him'," he said.
"I think that was very low and it hurt me a lot to see that because I left the team and I did not say anything bad about anyone. I was just quiet, like nothing had happened.
"They kind of started to put the fans against me. It seems that they want me to feel bad about my choice, even though I had been thinking about it for a year, and they knew that. I was pretty upset and I did not think it was right.
"I have not talked to them about it, but they know that I am quite upset. They tried to soften everything afterward and tried to talk to me, but I did not reply."
(我沒有和他們談過這件事,但是他們知道我很不高興。他們試圖在事態軟化後並試圖跟我說話,但我沒有再回覆他們。 )
"Stewie and tarik are good players, but at the same time we did not feel comfortable with the communication issue," he explained.
(Stewie及tarik都是十分優好的選手,但當時我們因為溝通問題感到無所適從。 )
"The team was good, Stewie and tarik brought new things and are always trying to improve. If we had given the team more time, we would have been strong. We reached some finals and we pushed Astralis to the limit. We lost those games because of mistakes we made."
(這個陣容是很好的,Stewie及tarik都為隊伍帶來了新思維及努力改善。如果我們給予這個陣容多點時間的話,我們就會變得強大。我們亦打入了一些決賽並將Astralis推到了極限。但是我們因為一些錯誤而在比賽之中落敗。 )
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