NoChance已經加盟了由 Dimitri Vegas及Like Mike創立SMASH Esports。
NoChance經過幾個月無贊助狀態後終於由SMASH Esports接手隊伍,該組織是由比利時Smash The House唱片公司的創始人成立。NoChance在英國選手Thomas離開之後,他們招入了20歲的塞爾維亞藉選手Maden,這名選手比喻為其中一個新星他亦曾為Akopalipsa及BLUEJAYS效力。而他在去年WESG塞爾維亞賽事為UltiCoin出戰,最終在決賽中輸給了由huNter-帶領的Valiance。
NoChance在歐洲Minor封閉式預選賽之中擊敗Windigo及Heroic後晉級歐洲Minor後慢慢吸引人們注意, 在Minor中NoChance曾在Bo1擊敗了mousesports,然後輸給了CR4ZY以及以1:2不敵mousesports出局。

Maikelele在一份聲明中表示,SMASH Esports提供的支持將使該隊伍達到新的高度並繼續發展。
“We are very happy to have found a new home and we already feel like family,” the Swedish player said. “The amount of dedication we have been putting in will finally start to pay off. The new organization will give us the backing that’s needed so we can reach a higher level.
( 我們很高興找到一個新東家,我們已經感覺像家人一樣,我們投入的奉獻精神將最終開始得到回報。新組織將為我們提供所需的支持,以便我們達到更高的水平。 )
“We are fully confident that we will be there very quickly! When we created NoChance we did it only to play a couple of qualifiers to try our luck. We quickly understood that we had something. We have loyalty and trust, which is very important.
( 我們完全相信我們會很快到達那裡!當我們創建NoChance時,我們只是為了試試運氣而參加幾個預選賽。我們很快就明白我們有了什麼 ,我們有忠誠和信任,這非常重要。 )
“We are very grateful towards DV&LM and the team for the opportunity and towards all the fans who support and push us in the right direction. We hope that the fans keep following and support our journey and be a part of what’s next.”
( 我們非常感謝DV&LM [創辦人]和團隊的機會以及所有支持和推動我們朝著正確方向前進的粉絲。我們希望粉絲們能夠繼續關注並支持我們的旅程。)
SMASH Esports將會參加 LOOT.BET S4和European Champions Cup這兩場比賽將於本月晚些時候開始。
SMASH Esports 陣容如下:
Mikail "Maikelele" Bill
Martin "STYKO" Styk
Kevin "kRYSTAL" Amend
Jesse "zehN" Linjala
Pavle "Maden" Bošković
Jonatan "Devilwalk" Lundberg (教練)
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