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5E對旗下平台與VAC系統出現衝突而出現VAC Ban表示抱歉

5E對旗下平台與VAC系統出現衝突而出現VAC Ban表示抱歉

中國CSGO對戰平台5EWIN於昨日被Valve點名提到,因為中國對戰平台5EWIN的程式繞過了遊戲內置的Trusted Mode而觸發了防外掛系統導致出現一連串的VAC Ban,這間中國公司昨日發表聲明表示對受影響玩家感到抱歉。

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亞洲VAC封鎖風波經過了接近一個星期後,昨日CSGO官方人員回應其中一個被VAC Ban正效力Huat Zai的nephh提到因為中國對戰平台5EWIN的程式繞過了CSGO透過自己的方式繞過了遊戲內置的Trusted Mode而觸發了防外掛系統,導致使用5EWIN的玩家被VAC封鎖。


由於5EWIN的防外掛乃屬第三方軟體,若要在CSGO使用,正常來說應該要再launch option加入「-allow_third_party_software」指令關閉Trusted Mode才能夠正常運作。5EWIN官方表示由於他們想要有雙重的反作弊保護,故此在沒有關閉Trusted Mode的情況下透過防外掛程式干涉遊戲,造成是次事件。5EWIN指現時已經緊急收復問題,暫代CSGO官方解除玩家的VAC封鎖。

事件被揭發後,5EPLAY亦在昨日回應事件,在聲明中5EPLAY強調他們收到Valve的回覆後已經馬上作出行動修復這個問題,並再三強調現在遊玩5E平台為安全及不會再產生VAC Ban。

但是根據TomorrowLAN在Liquipedia上查看有關涉及5E VAC Ban事件的選手們,他們Steam個人檔案上的VAC Ban尚未解除。


5E對戰平台在各方面工作中始終與Valve官方保持著緊密的溝通與聯繫,10月份收到個別5E玩家反饋自己被VAC誤封的信息,5E第一時間與Valve官方進行了問詢和確認, Valve公司也非常重視並對我們提供的最新客戶端程序進行了分析測試,比對發現部分模塊與CS:GO信任模式存在衝突和兼容性問題,目前我們已經遵從Valve指引第一時間關閉了服務端和客戶端的信任模式與VAC檢測,以防止新的問題產生。






5EArena keeps maintaining a close communication and contact with Valve officials in all aspects of work. In early October, we received feedbacks from individual 5E users about being VAC banned mistakenly; then we inquired and confirmed with Valve official immediately. Valve paid high attention to the problem and conducted the analysis and test on the lastest client provided by us; and found that there were conflict and compatibility problem between some parts of modules and CS:GO trust mode. Currently we have followed Valve’s guide and closed the trust mode of servers and the client as well as VAC detection, preventing any new problems. 

At present playing CS:GO on 5EArena is safe. We have temporarily closed trust mode and VAC detection, to make sure 5E users can play games safely without occurring new compatibility problem or VAC problem until the problem being repaired. 

At the same time, we are working with Valve to fix the current potential problems of 5E client; and it currently entered the testing stage. After Valve confims new client repairs the existing problems, Valve will roll back bans. We will make an announcement as soon as possible to users and restart trust mode as well as VAC detection. 

About “Trust Mode”

We did not simply close trust mode in the hope that 5E anti-cheat function and Valve’s trust mode can work at the same time, providing double protection for anti-cheat. We are very sorry about the compatibility problem due to technical reasons. In the future, 5E will keep the communication and cooperation with Valve in technical aspect, eliminating such problems from happening. Under the premise of ensuring account security, we will continuously strengthen anti-cheating ability and build a good community environment together with you. 

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