德國戰隊Sprout已經於官方Twitter上宣佈他們從另一支德國戰隊BIG重新招入denis並將會填補昨日離隊的mirbit 。
這位25歲的德國藉選手離開Sprout不多於四個月後再次回歸BIG,denis當時因為BIG的nex手腕需要養傷的關係 ,而加入BIG臨時替補他的位置。
在他為BIG效力下,他擔任AWPer並讓BIG隊中的tasbeN擔任步槍手,而denis為BIG出賽四場LAN並晉級到歐洲Minor,但是因為隊伍表現欠佳引致其後的陣容大變動,分別是BIG重新招入smooya、nex重新歸隊及tow b擔任主教練等等。

Photo courtesy of HLTV
“I am happy that the organisation and the team believe in me and have given me another chance to represent them,” denissaid.
“During my short time at BIG and even way before, I learned a lot. I have found myself reflecting on many things: I want to change my personality, my mental preparation, my work ethic and how I want to proceed in general. I want to prove my own game and the team’s game.
“We have already discussed what the team wants to change in their system and the way we want to play in general. I am really confident that we will work hard to prove ourselves.
( 我們已經與隊伍討論了接下來他們想作出的改變以及我們想打出的戰術體系。我非常有信心我們會以努力證明自己。 )
“Usually, I do not write things like this, but I can tell you that I am extremely motivated again, especially after what happened in these last three months.”
( 通常情況下,我不會講以上這些說話,但我可以告訴你,我再次受到極大的激勵,尤其是在過去三個月發生的事情之後。 )
Sprout接下來將會出席於9月10日開始的ECS S8 挑戰杯,並在9月尾將前往波蘭格丁尼亞參加有10萬美元總獎金的Games Clash Masters 2019。
Florian “syrsoN” Rische
Timo “Spiidi” Richter
Nils “k1to” Gruhne
Josef “faveN” Baumann
Denis “denis” Howell
Niclas “enkay J” Krumhorn(教練)
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