隨著eXTREMESLAND 2023即將開始,TomorrowLAN團隊找來了越南預選賽冠軍隊伍NCTDK來接受訪問,期間談及隊伍近況以及越南CS環境等等。
由335CauGiay成員Foxy及Pr0digy聯同前Revolution成員Differ3nt及Tal3nt組成的Những Chàng Trai Đeo Kính於越南預選賽在一局不敗的情況下成為冠軍,而其中最近在EFLARE東南亞邀請賽2023中取得8強成績的Hyper5亦未能威脅這支越南勁旅。
這支越南隊伍越戰越勇,亦在去年年尾12月的越南本土賽事Thegioididong CS2 Championship 2023上再次擊敗Hyper5奪冠,而他們正賽階段將會在首輪面對中國戰隊Lynn Vision Gaming。

TomorrowLAN: This is the first time NCTDK has been interviewed by TomorrowLAN. Can you introduce yourself and tell us what are the roles of each team member?
(TomorrowLAN: 今次是越南戰隊NCTDK首次接受TomorrowLAN訪問,你們可以自我介紹一下以及隊中成員負責什麼位置?)
Talent: Hi, my in game name is Talent, I’m the IGL and captain of the NCTDK team from Vietnam. Our team has 6 players, 5 active and 1 substitute which is Ramel as the entry fragger, Pr0digy and Different as the Rifler, Foxy2k as the Awper, and the last one is MRRAIJIN substitute as Rifler
TomorrowLAN: For us, NCTDK is a new team featuring 335CauGiay core players, can you tell us the story of forming NCTDK?
(TomorrowLAN: 我們所看到NCTDK好像一支有著335CauGiay核心成員的新隊伍,您可以跟我們說說組成NCTDK的故事嗎?)
Talent: After 335CauGiay ended its contract with us, everyone decided to part ways with the team, some of the members went to another team, and most of us went to Valorant for a new challenge. When we heard about the upcoming CS2 eXTREMELAND qualifier, I decided to reunite the team with 3 335CauGiay core players (Ramel, pr0digy, foxy2k) and my twin brother (Different) for a new name: NCTDK
Talent: 當時我們與335CauGiay的合約結束後,陣容名單都分道揚鑣,一些人去加入其他隊伍,大部份人都去了打VALORANT。當我們看到即將舉行eXTREMESLAND預選賽時,我決定找回之前3名335CauGiay核心成員Ramel、Foxy2k及Pr0digy,以及找來我的雙胞胎兄弟Different組成了NCTDK。
TomorrowLAN: In the eXTREMESLAND Vietnamese qualifier, your team didn’t lose a single map to win the tournament, what is your feeling about winning the tournament?
Ramel: Before the tournament began, we were afraid of Ezgaming Esports which had 2 of our former teammates from 335 (Kayje and Frostli) and former pros from Revolution team (Kun and Fog). Unlike Ezgaming had 2,3 months to practice, most of our team just come back to CS2 from Valorant and we did not have time to practice, so facing Ezgaming Esports for an elimination Bo3 at the first game was very unlucky for both and nervous for my team. But luckily, our gameplay was beyond expectations, we defeated Ezgaming Esports and Hyper5 easily to claim a ticket to Shanghai, and we really proud of ourselves as always.
Ramel: 在比賽開始之前,我們十分傷害面對Ezgaming Esports,因為他們陣容有2名我們335的前隊友Kayje及FrostLi,以及Revolution前職業選手Kun和Fog,而且他們有2-3個月的訓練時間。但是我們大部份成員都是從VALORANT返回到CS2重新開始,所以沒有太大時間可以訓練,因此第一場淘汰賽就面對他們真的令人緊張以及覺得不太幸運,但幸運的話我們的發揮超出預期,並輕取Ezgaming及Hyper5取得前往上海的門票,隊伍對自己為感到十分自豪。
TomorrowLAN: Let’s talk about the line-up for the team between IESF 2023 and the current one, your team made the change after the tournament, Foxy2k and Differ3nt joined the team, and parted ways with FrostLi and Kayje, what made the team roster change?
(說說IESF 2023越南代表隊和本屆的隊伍陣容,賽後你們隊伍進行了變動,Foxy2k和Differ3nt加入隊伍,並與FrostLi和Kayje分道揚鑣,是什麼讓隊伍陣容發生了變化?)
Talent: As I mentioned above, 335CauGiay ended the contract so the whole team just parted ways, Kayje and Frostli went to Ezgaming Esports since they still want to pursue CS2.
Talent: 正如我上面提到,我們與335CauGiay合約結束後,Kayje及FrostLi離開了隊伍,但他們仍然是在CS2上繼續努力。
TomorrowLAN: We can see NCTDK is very active in Vietnamese local tournaments but not often playing in regional events. Do the teams don’t prefer to play in the Asia event?
Talent: Actually we do prefer to play in the Asia Events but most of us are still attending college, for me and my twin brother – Different, we already have a full-time job at day time so it is impossible to play in the Asia Event for all of us. We only got free time in the late night to practice with each other.
Talent: 其實我們隊伍是更加傾向參加亞洲比賽,因為我們大部份成員都是上大學,對我和兄弟Different不同的是我們兩個需要上班工作,所以我們在日間上班在時候並不能參加很多亞洲賽事,只能在晚上與隊伍一起練習。
TomorrowLAN: From what we’ve seen about the Vietnam scene from the outside view, there are only a few teams and tournaments here. Can you elaborate on how’s the Vietnam/SEA scene at the moment?
(TomorrowLAN: 從一個外面的角度來看越南CS,這裡只有少量隊伍活躍及比賽參加,可以說說目前越南以及東南亞的CS情況?)
Pr0digy: Well the outside view is absolutely right with the current situation in the Vietnamese CS Community. At the moment there are only 4 CS2 teams in Vietnam that can compete at the same level, most of the players went to Valorant, and sadly there’s not many tournaments in here.
But with the dawn of CS2, I see a lot of potential for our community, for example, Zowie eXTREMELAND Qualifier and TheGioiDiDong Cs2 championship – the biggest prize pool CS Tournament ever made in Vietnam. That’s why we have high expectations for Cs2 in Vietnam as the SEA region – which has had the Eflare tournament with a 100,000$ prize pool recently.
Pr0digy: 這個觀點與現狀十分符合,在越南目前只有4支隊伍能夠在相同水平上互相較量,大部份選手都去了打VALORANT,可惜越南比賽數量並不多。而隨著CS2來到,我們越南社群的潛力,例如有eXTREMESLAND預選賽以及TheGioiDiDong Cs2 錦標賽 [越南CS有史以來最大獎金的比賽],所以這就是為什麼我們對越南身處東南亞地區有著很大的期望,因為這裡最近也舉辦了有10萬美元總獎金的EFLARE賽事。
TomorrowLAN: Recently, 500Bros Media, Vikings Esports and eXTREMESLAND held some LAN events for Vietnam, is it important for developing local talents in the region?
(TomorrowLAN: 最近500Bros Media、Vikings Esports和eXTREMESLAND為越南舉辦了一些線下賽事,這些賽事對於培養越南新星重要嗎?)
Different: As a person who used to play for top teams in Vietnam such as Revolution and DivisionX in both games CS and Valorant, I believe that local talents are the most important factor to determine if that region will succeed or not. We can see the Mongolian CS scene for example, after the downfall of IHC Esports, we all thought the Chinese will take over the Asian CS scene again, but a new Mongolz lineup with 2 IHC core players Blitz, Techno4k and 3 young talents Mzinho, 910 and Senzu.
They managed to dominate the CS from the Chinese again, we can definitely see the importance of young talents. On the other hand, the lack of young talents is one of the biggest reasons why Vietnamese CS is falling behind. Lack of local tournaments, sponsorship, and pro teams are the main reasons why most people in Vietnam choose to play Valorant competitive instead of CS, but as I said earlier, upcoming CS2 Tournaments in Vietnam are very promising, i can see lots of pro players are coming back from Valorant (including us) for CS2, this could be beginning of a new chapter for Vietnamese CS.
Different: 對於我作為一個曾經在越南CS及VALORANT均效力頂級隊伍的選手來說,我認為地方的新星才是決定這個地區成功與否在關鍵因素。例如蒙古CS一樣,當我們看到IHC陣容四散時,我們都認為中國CS將會再次主導亞洲CS環境,但是The MongolZ的陣容只有兩名IHC選手以及三名新星同樣在面前其他亞洲強隊繼續保持強勢,所以這就是新血的關鍵性。
(註: Ramel並沒有隨隊參加今次賽事, 隊伍補上了FrostLi作為後備及MrRaiJin頂替Ramel)
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