隨著IESF 2022 LAN預選賽即將到來,而TomorrowLAN團隊就找來了孟加拉代表Red ViperZ接受訪問,了解這支活躍於南亞的隊伍所面對的情況。
孟加拉Red ViperZ一直都是活躍於亞洲賽事上,不論是ESEA 亞太聯賽以及各項亞洲預選賽都可以看到他們的蹤跡,而今年他們將會代表孟加拉參加IESF 2022 CSGO項目。

TomorrowLAN: This is the first time Team Bangladesh (Red ViperZ) interviewed by TomorrowLAN. Can you introduce yourself and tell us what is the roles of each team member?
(TomorrowLAN: 今次是Red ViperZ首先接受TomorrowLAN訪問,你們可以自我介紹一下以及隊中成員負責什麼位置?)
Mantis: This is the first time we’re being interviewed on anything! I am Mehraj Mahdin and my IGN is Mantis. I’m the Team Captain and In-Game Leader as well. I manage the practice schedule and organize scrims. We have Faith (Moinul Hasan), our star awper. He’s also taking over the IGL role to help free me in Game too.
Vinc9nt (Rakib Uddin) is the pillar of the team. He’s been a part of the scene and Red Viperz longer than I’ve even played the game. He has the flexibility to perform in any role and has done so over the years. Our two riflers TTK (Taraaf Khalidi) and Xenon (Abir Hasan) are our two flex players. We can always rely on their explosiveness.
(Mantis: 這次我們戰隊首先接受任何媒體的訪問! 我是Mehraj Mahdin,IGN為Mantis也是隊長和隊伍指揮。我平時負責安排隊伍訓練以及GOT5。我們有Faith (Moinul Hasan),陣中明星 Awper。他有時亦會接管了 IGL 的角色,以幫助我在比賽中發揮。
(Vinc9nt(Rakib Uddin)是團隊的支柱,他活躍在CS及Red ViperZ的時間比我玩CS的時間還要長,他可以出任任何角色,至使過去這麼多年也是一樣。至於TTK (Taraaf Khalidi) 和 Xenon (Abir Hasan)都是擔任步槍手並十分靈活,隊伍經常依靠他們的爆發力。)
TomorrowLAN: In the whole event of the Bangladesh qualifier, your team only lost one map to Trinity eSports, do you think there is a big gap between Red ViperZ to other Bangladeshi teams?
(TomorrowLAN: 在整個孟加拉預選賽中,你們只輸掉一張地圖給予Trinity eSports,你認為Red ViperZ與其他孟加拉隊伍有著龐大的差距嗎?)
Mantis: Trinity is a great opponent but there is a noticeable gap between the two of us and the rest of the teams. The scene isn’t as competitive as it used to be as most players have shifted to Valorant. Players also leave gaming as life catches up and they have to focus on their studies.
Being a professional isn’t guaranteed and even so, there is little to no pay. Even we are students who still have some time to play the game we love.
(Mantis: Trinity是本土勁旅,但是我們兩支隊伍與其他孟加拉隊伍擁有一個明顯差距,再加上大部份玩家轉向VALORANT,所以比賽上並沒有之前緊湊。而玩家又因生活上的轉變離開遊戲,專注學業等等。)
TomorrowLAN: Let’s go back to IESF Asia Regional Qualifier, you won 2-0 against Sri Lanka, then lost to India. How do you feel about the final?
(TomorrowLAN: 就讓我們返回到IESF亞洲區域預選賽,你們以2-0擊敗斯里蘭卡,之後輸給了印度,對於決賽來說什麼想說?)
Mantis: We rarely get an opportunity to face Indian teams in a Singapore server. That’s why the loss was harder to swallow as we really wanted to prove ourselves as a contender in the region.
Unfortunately, we had power cuts in both of our games and had to play with a man down for certain parts of the game. A shoutout to Wicked Gaming for using their pause time for us. Still, that’s no excuse for us. We lost fair and square. We just believe we could’ve and should’ve done better.
(Mantis: 我們會很少在新加坡伺服器上面對印度隊伍,因此這是被落敗更難接受的事,因為我們真的希望證明自己是南亞的有力競爭者。)
(不幸地,兩場比賽都遇到停電狀況,因此部份時間都是打少一人作賽。同時間也很感謝Wicked Gaming用了他們自身的暫停時間來幫助我們。不過這不是落敗的藉口,我們確實落敗並希望下次可以做得更好。)
We are massive underdogs in the group but I feel we can cause some damage and make an impression.
TomorrowLAN: Let’s talk about the IESF LAN qualifier, your group with South Africa, Mongolia and Spain, do you think the group is tough for you?
(TomorrowLAN: 談談IESF LAN預選賽吧,你們的小組有南非、蒙古及西班牙,這樣的小組對你們來說艱難嗎?)
Mantis: It’s the first time we will play against teams outside our region. We played against Mongolian teams in both scrims and pugs but have no experience playing against EU or African Teams.
We can’t be going into an event thinking it will be tough for us to perform. On Lan, it’s an even playing field. We are massive underdogs in the group but I feel we can cause some damage and make an impression.
(Mantis: 這次是首次與其他非亞洲隊伍交手,過往在訓練賽中都是與蒙古隊伍訓練,但沒有與歐洲及非洲交手的經歷。)
I still urged my team to play in these events. Without playing against stronger opponents, it is not possible to improve further.
TomorrowLAN: In the Bangladeshi scene, are there many new talents?
(TomorrowLAN: 對於孟加拉本土,這裡有新血加入嗎?)
Mantis: Definitely, not just in CS, esports in Bangladesh as a whole has produced stars. We had SSSami and Peror both of whom switched over to Valorant due to the lack of opportunities.
Trinity Esports also have a few rising stars in Nixy, Blank, and Aggressive. They have years ahead of them to take over the scene and go international.
(Mantis: 當然有啦,不僅僅是在 CS 領域,整個孟加拉國的電競都出產了明星選手。我們有 SSSami和Peror,因沒有太多機會所以他們都轉向VALORANT了。)
TomorrowLAN: I would say Red ViperZ is the only Bangladeshi team to play in the Asia tournament such ESEA and open qualifier, where are other Bangladeshi teams, are they don’t prefer to play in the Asia event?
(TomorrowLAN: 我會說Red ViperZ是唯一一支孟加拉隊伍參加其他亞洲賽事,其他隊伍在哪裡,他們不傾向參加亞洲賽事嗎?)
Mantis: The biggest barrier is the timing and latency issues. If we consider India as our region of competition, it’s mostly country locked or we have to play against 5ping opponents on Indian Servers.
For SEA, match timings are a big problem. Bangladeshi teams usually play later at night local time. Players aren’t really professional gamers, they are students or job holders. So it isn’t always possible to make time for qualifiers that start at 1 PM Local time. I still urged my team to play in these events. Without playing against stronger opponents, it is not possible to improve further.
(Mantis: 最大的阻礙是時差及遊戲延遲問題,如果我們參加印度比賽,他們都是鎖定只限印度隊伍參加,或者在印度Server與5 ping的對手交手。)
TomorrowLAN: From what we’ve seen about the Bangladeshi scene from the outside view, there are only a few teams and tournaments here. Can you elaborate on how’s theBangladesh/SEA scene at the moment?
Mantis: SEA as a whole passed through some difficult times during the online era. A lot of prominent teams and players left the game either due to personal reasons or just switched games. There were fewer tournaments overall and for us, even the ones that were available were at odd times or region specific only. This was amplified by the ping issues and the Indian subcontinent not having any dedicated league system. It’s hard to find regular competition in the region for lowertiered teams.
Locally, the support was never the strongest and tournaments were few and far between. Without competition or opportunities, it’s hard to keep teams engaged. A lot of top teams shifted games and found success. Many were just burnt out due to no international or regional opportunities. Some national organizers namely MCM and HLB have stepped in to fill the void and the scene is slowly recovering. At one point we had 6/7 teams fighting for a title locally. Now it’s just 2 or 3 teams and the rest are a fair bit behind.
(Mantis: 整個東南亞在Online時代都經歷了一段困難時期,很多優秀的隊伍及選手不是因個人理由就是換了遊戲或退役。總體而言,比賽數量很少,仍然可以參加的比賽都是不適合的時間或地區限定,Ping問題以及南亞沒有專門聯賽進一步加劇這個情況,很難在為該地區的低級別球隊找到定期比賽。)
(於孟加拉本地,資源也不足夠加上比賽數量也很少,在沒有機會及缺少競爭力就很難讓隊伍繼續參與下去,許多頂級隊伍轉了遊戲並取得成功。由於沒有國際及區域比賽機會,因此很多人都累了。現在一些賽事主辦方例如MCM和HLB 已經介入填補空白,生態慢慢恢復。有一次,我們有 6/7 支隊伍有力爭奪冠軍。 現在只有 2 或 3 支隊伍具競爭力,其餘隊伍都落後了很多。)
TomorrowLAN: It is the first time to see the Bangladeshi team to participated in an international event. Do you feel nervous to play on such a big stage for representing your motherland here?
(TomorrowLAN: 這次是首次有孟加拉隊伍參加國際性賽事,你將會代表祖國參加國際規模的賽事,你們會感到緊張嗎?)
Mantis: We’re more excited than nervous. It will be an experience to relish for a long time. Most players dream to represent their country in any sport. To be able to represent Bangladesh on a stage as big as that is humbling and empowering. I think we will play to our strengths and we can be proud of our performance.
(Mantis: 我們是興奮多於緊張。這個一定是可以長時間享受的體驗,大部份玩家都渴望代表國家出戰,能夠國際舞台上代表孟加拉。我們會打出自己的優勢並為自己的表現感到自豪。)
TomorrowLAN: My last question, what are the aims have you set for this tournament?
(TomorrowLAN: 最後一條問題,你們對今次賽事有什麼目標?)
Mantis: Ideally, we want to get out of groups. It will be difficult, but I think we’ve put in the effort to realistically cause an upset. We aren’t just playing for ourselves, but for our scene and to show that Asian CS still has players that can show up given the opportunity.
(Mantis: 理想來說,我們希望從小組賽中出線,但這是十分困難。但我認為我們擁有爆冷的能力為各隊帶來驚喜。我們不是為自己而戰,而為孟加拉為戰,甚至證明亞洲CS仍然可能在國際舞台表現自己。)
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