隨著IESF 2022女子賽於昨晚已經落幕後,而TomorrowLAN團隊賽後就找來了波蘭代表隊NAVI Javelins的Hanka來接受訪問。
TomorrowLAN: Congratulations! Hanka you are IESF 2022 Female Division Champion. Can you share your feeling right now?
(TomorrowLAN: 恭喜! Hanka是你IESF 2022 女子賽冠軍,你可以分享當刻的感覺嗎?)
Hanka: Thanks, Hello Guys! Oh my God, I’m never experience something similar to this. I was still shocked and had much emotion. I’m just great for that, I’m here with that lovely team.
(Hanka: 多謝! 大家好。我的天,我從未經歷過像這些的事,我仍然很震驚以及有很多情緒湧現。我對此很滿意,我和那支可愛的隊伍在一起。)

TomorrowLAN: Tonight’s match seems easier compared with the upper bracket final, you won the series 2-0 clearly, so what makes the difference?
(TomorrowLAN: 今次的比賽對比起勝者組決賽的來到容易,你們今日以2-0淨勝對手,有什麼令到今場比賽不同?)
Hanka: So we analyzed the demo after our loss of mirage with our coach, so I think that is the difference in this map. And we have a game plan against Argentina and have it in the previous match so. That’s why.
(Hanka: 不同之處應該是在於當我們上次在Mirage落敗後我們與教練一起進行分析,至於面對阿根廷隊的比賽大方向則與上場比賽大至相同。)

TomorrowLAN: For the first Mirage, you did a very impressive play 1 Vs 3 clutch with 1hp, how does make it?
(TomorrowLAN: 第一張地圖Mirage,你完成一次十分印象深刻的1hp 1v3 手槍局殘局,你是如何做到的?)
Hanka: To be honest, I don’t know about that, I kill one girl on the B short, just run and gun, shooting headshot so. Oh my god, like emotion to my gun. I have to watch it again. : D
(Hanka: 老實說,我不知道是如何做到的。我首先在B short打掉一個,之後就不斷走射以及取得一些爆頭,我的天,可能是我的槍在主要關頭眷顧了我,我要回來再看一次。 :D)
TomorrowLAN: Last question, what is your goal for the 2023 Season?
(TomorrowLAN: 最後一條問題,你對於2023年賽季的目標是什麼?)
Hanka: So we have a lot of work to do about ESL Impact. Our main goal now is to qualify for the Katowice.
(Hanka: 我們有很多東西去做有關於ESL Impact,而主要目標是打入ESL Impact Katowice 2023。)
Cover image courtesy of IESF
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