隨著IESF 2022正賽階段即將到來,而TomorrowLAN團隊就找來了亞洲區域預選賽出線隊伍越南隊來接受訪問。
今年CSGO越南代表隊Những chàng trai đeo kính首先於越南預選賽戰勝1820HT,之後更加在亞洲區域預選賽中兩戰擊敗汶萊以較佳對賽成績及得失回合壓過南亞、中亞、西亞及東亞代表成為亞洲代表參加IESF 2022總決賽階段。
越南隊於12月7日至11日期間的正賽階段亮相,並會等待三支由LAN預選賽晉級隊伍,與其餘三支洲際預選冠軍及主辦方印尼組成8隊參賽名單爭奪冠軍,隨著LAN預選賽結束後,蒙古、德國以及Team IESF成功晉級,而他們將會在首輪面對預選賽晉級隊伍蒙古IHC Esports。

TomorrowLAN: This is the first time Team Vietnam interviewed by TomorrowLAN. Can you introduce yourself and tell us what is the roles of each team member?
(TomorrowLAN: 今次是越南隊首次接受TomorrowLAN訪問,你們可以自我介紹一下以及隊中成員負責什麼位置?)
umakemecry: Hi everyone, my ingame is umakemecry, im 19 years old, currently playing for team Vietnam as Rifler/Second AWPer.
Our team members are Kayje, Talent, Hatred, Awaken1ng and their roles are Rifler, IGL, AWPer, Entry Fragger respectively. Most of us are really young, the oldest is 24 years old and the youngest is 18 years old.
(umakemecry: 大家好,我是越南隊的umakemecry,今年19歲目前在隊中是步槍及副狙的角色。)
When I first hop into IESF Asia Regional Qualifier, I would never think I could stand a chance to qualify for Bali, my whole team share the same thought.
TomorrowLAN: In the Vietnam qualifier final, your team versus 1820HT takes a very close series to win the tournament, what is your feeling to beat the best Vietnamese team in recent years?
(TomorrowLAN: 在越南預選賽決賽,你們面對1820HT並以一場十分接近的Bo3贏下冠軍,對於能夠擊敗近年最強的越南隊伍有什麼感覺?)
umakemecry: It was a really epic series since 1820HT had 12-5 lead on the first map which is Inferno, but on the CT side, we played really on point and managed to pull a 13-16 reverse sweep on them.
And after a close 16-14 victory on Mirage, we finally defeated 1820HT and claimed the IESF Vietnamese Qualifier Champion.
The feeling was just fantastic at the time, we just proud of ourselves, what we have done, after all the time and effort we spent finally pays off.
(umakemecry: 這是一個非常史詩的Bo3,因為 1820HT 在第一張地圖 Inferno 上以 12-5 領先,但我們在CT上發揮十分出色,並成功以 13-16 逆轉橫掃他們。)
(之後在Mirage以16-14險勝他們後,我們最終擊敗了 1820HT 並獲得了 IESF 越南預選賽冠軍。)
TomorrowLAN: In the SEA regional qualifier two matches versus Brunei, 2-1 in the group stage and eased 2-0 in the final, what changes have been made between these two matches?
(TomorrowLAN: 於IESF東南亞區均預選賽,你們分別兩次面對汶萊代表分別在小組賽2-1勝出以及於決賽輕取對手2-0,兩場比賽中你們作出了什麼改變?)
Talent: About the 2-1 Victory versus Brunei in the group stage, we lost 16-14 on our map pick due to miscommunication and individual mistakes. Although the choke on the 1st map affects a lot on our confidence but thankfully, we managed to stay calm and focus on our next 2 maps and finished the bo3 with 2-1 score.
So after the game we settle back, have some chat, we talked about each other’s mistake and try best not to slip like that again. In the Finals, its a rematch against Brunei but this time, we did not make any mistake then we dominated Brunei in 2 maps, easily I could say.
(Talent: 小組賽2-1擊敗汶萊,我們出現了很多失誤例如溝通上以及技術上令到自己所選的地圖以14:16落敗,第一張地圖被人逆轉對我們信心造成很大影響,但慶幸的是,我們能夠冷靜下來並專注於接下來的兩張地圖以2:1取下Bo3。)

TomorrowLAN: Let’s go back to IESF Asia Regional Qualifier, when you came into this event were you expected to become Asia Championship to qualify for Bali?
(TomorrowLAN: 讓我們返回到IESF亞洲預選賽,當你參加亞洲預選賽時曾有想像過成為亞洲代表前往印尼峇里嗎?)
umakemecry: When I first hop into IESF Asia Regional Qualifier, I would never think I could stand a chance to qualify for Bali, my whole team share the same thought. Not because we had negative thinking, simply we just looking at the fact, we judging our opponents carefully, most of them have 4-5 years experienced at the the pro scene.
On the other hand, most of our team could be consider unexperienced, except for Talent – who had 2-3 years experience competing at old Vietnamese top tier teams such as Revolution and DivisionX Gaming. So to be fair, neither of us would stand a chance from winning top teams in Asia like IHC or Team UAE.
Luckily for us, due to the server error and having the least played rounds in the Finals, we’ve been qualify to Bali, that was an unexpected news that no one would think about.
(umakemecry: 當我首次參加IESF亞洲區域預選賽,我和所有成員都從來沒想過可以取得峇里的入場券,不是因為隊伍有消極的想法。只是我們以客觀的事實來看,大部份參賽隊伍的成員都有4至5年職業比賽經驗。)
(另一邊,我們除了Talent曾效力Revolution及DivisionX Gaming有著2至3年職業經驗之外,其餘成員都是沒有任何經驗。所以老實說,我們不認為自己可以贏下好像IHC及阿聯酋這些亞洲頂級隊伍。)
Attending in Bali IESF Finals is already remarkable for all of us, thats why we will have least pressure than others.
TomorrowLAN: Let’s talk about the IESF final line-up for the team, your team made the change before the tournament, AWAKEN1NG and HATRED joined the team, and parted ways with aidentruong and talang, what made the team roster change?
(TomorrowLAN: 有關於IESF正賽陣容名單,隊伍作出一些變動有AWAKEN1NG及HATRED加入隊伍,而aidentruong及talang則不在名單之內,為什麼隊伍需要變陣呢?)
umakemecry: Well, Talang and AidenTruong parted ways with the team due to personal business, which led us to lack of team member. So we had to make hard decisions, recruiting the bests from Vietnamese CSGO scene.
Then we decided to contact Awaken1ng and Hatred. Awken1ng is a 18 years old player which is very young, he had some really impressive performance on Vietnamese LAN tournament. He gained our attention after reaching Finals in 5E arena Revival Series Summer in Vietnam, facing 1820HT.Although finished at the second place but his performance was enough for us to see his potential.
And the last one, Hatred could be familiar for a lot people. He gained his reputation after reaching top 1 Faceit in Vietnam with 4000 elos and now is playing for NEXGA. It was a really significant firepower added after Hatred joins. I hope to see they perform well at Bali.
(umakemecry: Talang和AidenTruong因為私事與團隊分道揚鑣,所以隊伍缺少了兩名成員,因此我們需要於越南CS中尋找優秀的選手填補空缺。)
(之後,我們決定聯繫Awaken1ng和Hatred,Awaken1ng是年僅18歲的玩家,他在LAN賽事的表現令起了我們的注意,特別是5E Arena Revival Series Summer決賽中面對1820HT。雖然他最後取得亞軍作結,但他已經展現自己的潛力。)
(至於另一名成員Hatred相信很多人都對他十分熟悉,他是有4000 faceit elo的越南第一玩家並為NEXGA效力,他加入後將會為隊伍帶來重要的火力來源,我期待他在峇里的表現。)
TomorrowLAN: From what we’ve seen about the Vietnam scene from the outside view, there are only a few teams and tournaments here. Can you elaborate on how’s the Vietnam/SEA scene at the moment?
(TomorrowLAN: 從一個外面的角度來看越南CS,這裡只有少量隊伍活躍及比賽參加,可以說說目前越南以及東南亞的CS情況?)
Hatred: That statement is true, a lot of csgo players went to Valorant, which led to csgo pro scene in Vietnam is completely lack of players. We got almost no tournaments, no sponsorship and it was frustrated to keep playing CSGO without any of it.
And i think the same thing is happen to SEA CSGO scene right now
The main reason is the existence of Valorant, people came there seeking new opportunities.
By contrast, Asia CSGO is evolving at the moment. With the rise of top Asia teams like Lynn Vision, IHC, Rare Atom, etc. Asia CSGO is almost catching up to EU CSGO and i hope one day, i would see more teams from Asia perform at Major and Big Tournaments.
(Hatred: 這個說法是真的,很多CSGO玩家都前往去了VALORANT,導致CSGO越南職業圈是完全沒有選手,我們幾乎沒有比賽、贊助及資源繼續去玩CSGO,情況是十分沮喪。)
(但相比之下,亞洲CSGO目前正在發展,隨著Lynn VIsion、IHC及Rare Atom等等隊伍亞洲頂級戰隊的崛起,亞洲CS目前正追趕歐洲CS,我希望有一日,可以看到更多亞洲參加Major及大型賽事。)
TomorrowLAN: It is the first time to see Vietnam team to participated in an international event since WESG 2018. Do you feel nervous to play on such a big stage for representing Vietnam here?
(TomorrowLAN: 這次是繼WESG 2018後再次有越南隊伍參加國際賽事,要代表越南在國際規模的賽事上比賽,你們會感到緊張嗎?)
Kayje: It would be lying if we say we do not nervous on our first time playing on a big stage like IESF Bali, and hence will representing our country.
Our team will have a lot of pressures, from ourselves and from our fans – whom will have high expectations from us. But we hope we can convert theirs expectations become motivation for us, so that we can perform as good as we could.
(Kayje: 如果我們說我們第一次在像峇里島 IESF 這樣的大舞台代表我們的國家打比賽並不緊張,這肯定是說謊。)
(我們隊伍會承受很大的壓力,來自我們自己和我們的支持——他們對我們有很高的期望。 但我們希望能將他們的期望轉化為對我們的動力,這樣我們才打出應有的表現。)
TomorrowLAN: This year 5E Arena holds two LAN events for Vietnam (5E Revival Series), is it important for developing local talents in the region?
(TomorrowLAN: 今年5E Arena就於越南了舉辦兩場LAN賽事5E Revival Series,這些賽事對於培養越南新星重要嗎?)
Awaken1ng: As umakemecry mentioned before. Through the 5E Revival Series for Vietnam Lan Events, i’ve got reputations from my performance, so i do think those LAN events are important for finding new talents in the region. I would have compliments to 5E for helding such as decent LAN events for Vietnam CSGO scene
(Awaken1ng: 正如umakemecry早前提到,我透過5E Revival Series上的表現贏得名聲,所以我認為這個LAN賽事對於一個地區尋找新星是十分重要,我要感謝5E為越南CSGO舉辦這些賽事。)
TomorrowLAN: My last question, here in Bali, what are your expectations, and what have you come here to prove?
(TomorrowLAN: 最後一條問題,在峇里島你們的期望是什麼,以及你們希望證明什麼?)
Talent: Attending in Bali IESF Finals is already remarkable for all of us, thats why we will have least pressure than others. We want to promote our country reputations, to prove that our CSGO scene cannot be underestimate by trying at our best.
Expect us
Thank you for the Interview
(Talent: 參加IESF決賽對我們所有人來說已經很了不起的事,所以我們的壓力會比其他人小。我們希望透過今次比賽來提升越南CS地位並用努力來證明越南CS不容忽視。 期待我們的表現。 謝謝訪問機會。)
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