隨著IESF 2022即將到來,而TomorrowLAN團隊就找來了歐洲區域預選賽冠軍以及衛冕冠軍來自北馬其頓的BLUEJAYS來接受訪問。
作為上屆IESF冠軍的CSGO北馬其頓代表隊BLUEJAYS繼續需要在歐洲預選賽重新出發,首先在Closed Qualifier以1勝2負成功過關後,來到羅馬尼亞舉行的歐洲區域預選賽越打越有,最終擊敗烏克蘭代表Questionmark成為歐洲代表參加IESF 2022總決賽階段。

TomorrowLAN: This is the first time BLUEJAYS interviewed by TomorrowLAN. Can you introduce yourself and tell us what is the roles of each team member?
(TomorrowLAN: 今次是BLUEJAYS首次接受TomorrowLAN訪問,你們可以自我介紹一下以及隊中成員負責什麼位置?)
aidKiT: Yes for sure! We are team BLUEJAYS Sports from Macedonia and the core has been together for more than 2 years now. The roles are changing in specific situations but I can point kyxsan as an IGL, aidKiT as an AWP and stYleEeZ, CacaNito & dan1 are riflers.
(aidKiT: 當然可以啦,我是來自北馬其頓的BLUEJAYS Sports,陣容核心已經一起了2年多。而隊伍位置會因不同情況而變動,主要是kyxsan指揮、狙擊手aidKiT、stYleEeZ、CacaNito及dan1擔任步槍手。)
We are still trying to figure out what is the best for the team and trying to adapt to a different playstyles since there are different strenghts of teams.
TomorrowLAN: In Oradea, your team did doing a very good performance in the Europe regional qualifier, did you expect to become Europe Championship to qualify for Bali when participating in the event?
(TomorrowLAN: 於羅馬尼亞奧拉迪亞,你們於歐洲區域預選賽打出了十分好的表現,你曾想像過成為歐洲代表前往峇里參加IESF總決賽?)
aidKiT: To be honest our vision was not that far into the tournament. We were playing match by match and focus on the next enemies.
(aidKiT: 老實說,我們的願景並沒有深入到比賽中。我們只要一場一場地比賽並專注於下一個對手。)
TomorrowLAN: As the defending championship and second-highest-ranking team after IHC Esports of the event, who do you see as your biggest challenges in this tournament?
(TomorrowLAN: 作為衛冕冠軍和繼IHC Esports後世界排名第二名的參賽隊伍,你認為誰會在比賽中為你們帶來最大威脅?)
aidKiT: We still do not know the players but I guess Serbia, Bosnia, Slovakia, Germany & Team IESF.
(aidKiT: 我們仍然不了解參賽隊伍名單,但我猜是塞爾維亞、波斯尼亞、斯洛伐克、德國和 Team IESF 隊造成威脅。)
TomorrowLAN: After the group draw of the LAN qualifier, what teams are you think will advance to playoffs?
(TomorrowLAN: 隨著小組賽名單出爐,你認為有什麼隊伍會成功出線到正賽階段?)
aidKiT: Team IESF, Germany & Bosnia
(aidKiT: Team IESF、德國和波斯尼亞)
TomorrowLAN: Let’s talk about the recent results of the team, you won ESEA Advanced and IESF Europe in July, but failure qualify for RMR and finished ESL Challenger League with second place last month. The team’s performance seems inconsistent. What problems does the team face?
(TomorrowLAN: 談談隊伍最近成績吧,你們於7月份接連贏下了ESEA Advanced及IESF歐洲預選,但是隊伍未能取得RMR資格以及在ESL Challenger League取得亞軍,隊伍表現大起大跌,你們正面對著什麼處境?)
aidKiT: Yeah, we are still trying to figure out what is the best for the team and trying to adapt to a different playstyles since there are different strenghts of teams.
(aidKiT: 是的,我們仍在努力找出最適合隊伍的體系,並努力適應不同的比賽風格,因為各支隊伍的強項各有不同。)
The aim is always to enjoy & smile, if we make it, we are going to win it for sure.
TomorrowLAN: After the results of these two years, do you think your team is the best Adriatic region team at the moment?
(TomorrowLAN: 經過這兩年的成績後,你認為BLUEJAYS是亞得里亞海地區中最出色的隊伍嗎?)
aidKiT: Yes, at the moment there are also teams like Partizan, iNation, KTRL & Strive in Chaos so that motivates us to still compete in this region and make the scene even greater.
(aidKiT: 是的,目前還有Partizan、iNation、KTRL和Strive in Chaos這樣的隊伍,這激勵著我們繼續在這個地區比賽並讓生態變得更好。)
TomorrowLAN: Can you elaborate on how’s the North Macedonia scene at the moment?
(TomorrowLAN: 可以說說目前北馬其頓的CS情況?)
aidKiT: It is not great, but people are realizing that eSport is growing so fast and are trying to get as much information as possible. There are not many teams but we are trying to support younger and see if there is any talent out there that can hopefully make his dream come true.
(aidKiT: 這裡的發展不是很好,但人們意識到電子競技發展如此之快,並試圖獲得盡可能多的電競相關資訊。但這裡沒有很多隊伍存在,但我們正在努力支持年輕選手,看看是否有任何人才可以讓他夢想成真。)
TomorrowLAN: My last question, what are the aims have you set for this tournament?
(TomorrowLAN: 最後一條問題,在峇里島你們的期望是什麼?)
aidKiT: The aim is always to enjoy & smile, if we make it, we are going to win it for sure.
(aidKiT: 目標永遠是享受比賽和樂觀應對,如果我們能做到這點,我們一定會贏。)
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