隨著IESF 2022 LAN預選賽正在進行當中,而TomorrowLAN團隊就找來了保加利亞代表目前正效力OG Academy的Oxygen來接受訪問。
今年保加利亞派出以前SKADE核心陣容參加IESF賽事,而其中包括征戰多年及取得WESG 2019冠軍的bubble及dream3r等等。而今次他們與塞爾維亞、克羅地亞以及匈牙利同組。

TomorrowLAN: It shoule be your first time to be indonesia Bali here, can you share your feelings right now?
(TomorrowLAN: 這次應該是你首次來到印尼峇里? 可以分享一下感覺嗎?)
Oxygen: Yeah, it is my personally to be here . I really like this place and it just too hot.
(Oxygen: 是,今次是首次來到峇里,我很喜歡這裡,只是有點熱。)
TomorrowLAN: You won aganist hungary to start this tournament, do you feel the team will go far in the tournament?
Oxygen: We have pretty high expectation of this tournament, I feel like a one of the favourites to win it. So we just play the game and see how we go.
(Oxygen: 我們對於今次比賽有著很高的期望,我感覺隊伍是其中一支奪冠熱門,所以我們只是專心在比賽中,來看看我們可以走到多遠。)
TomorrowLAN: Can you share what the different between OG and Bulgaria team?
Oxygen: Basically, the different between the foreign team and Bulgaria team is like many of communication. In Bulgaria team, we can understand each other better and that’s. But it also can be accomplished of foreign team as well with the time being.
(Oxygen: 基本上,外國隊與保加利亞的隊伍分別主要在於溝通上,在保加利亞隊中我們可以互相了解更多隊友的想法,而我目前所效力的外國隊伍方面也可以做這點。)
TomorrowLAN: This time you play with some experience player like bubble, is he bring a lot to you?
Oxygen: Yea, of course bubble is a very experience IGL, so he knows the game a lot and makes it easy to play.
(Oxygen: 是的,當然bubble是個十分有經驗的指揮,他十分了解遊戲的運作,以及令到隊友們可以輕鬆地比賽。)
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