Winstrike 隨著隊中的俄羅斯選手n0rb3r7進入不活躍名單後,他們馬上進行了三單轉會交易,分別簽下Gambit星級選手Hobbit、KrizzeN及Lack1完成陣容名單。
此與同時Winstrike宣布隊伍中年輕的選手現年20歲的 El1an將會在這次陣容調動擔任IGL位置。

Photo courtesy of HLTV
Hobbit是PGL Krakow Major 2017冠軍及年度選手之一,在效力HellRaisers期間因表現不佳之後,他最終決定加入了Winstrike,而KrizzeN則從AVANGAR的後備名單轉會Winstrike,因為他面臨健康問題,所以於3月份開始位於後備名單。而過去三個月的評分為1.15 的Lack1將會嘗試表現他的新隊伍上的發揮。
“Experienced players will help young and promising ones to progress faster, while young players will energize the team. I believe in this team and look forward to the first LAN-tournaments, but there is a lot of work to do. And we, finally, are ready to start fully.” – Johnta
( 有經驗的選手將會幫助年輕選手更快地進步,而年輕選手將為戰隊增添活力。我相信這支隊伍並期待著第一場LAN賽事,但是還有很多工作要做。最後, 我們正準備全力進發。 )
Johnta 亦提到 n0rb3r7 的離開
“Speaking of n0rb3r7, I am sorry that he did not make this team. David is a talented player, who needs time and experience in a team to unleash himself fully. This time, he was not a good fit for the game roles, that’s why he did not make this team. But I am pretty sure that he has got a great future ahead of him” – Johnta
(說到n0rb3r7,我很遺憾他沒有在隊伍之內,David( n0rb3r7 )是一位才華橫溢的選手,他需要時間和經驗來充分發揮自己的才能。但是這次,他顯然不適應在比賽的角色,那就是為什麼他沒有出現這個陣容。但是我很確定他的前途光明。”)
Vladyslav "bondik" Nechyporchuk
Aleksey "El1an" Gusev
Abay "Hobbit" Khasenov
Aidyn "KrizzeN" Turlybekov
Viktor "Lack1" Boldyrev
Ivan "Johnta" Shevtsov (教練)
David "n0rb3r7" Danielyan (不活躍名單)
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